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468 Updates



  1. Honours recipients 18 Jul
  2. Cigarette smoking among adults 11 Jul
  3. Early cancer diagnosis 11 Jul
  4. HIV infection with late diagnosis 11 Jul
  5. Overweight children 11 Jul
  6. Arrests 3 Jul
  7. Stop and search 3 Jul
  8. Pensioner income 2 Jul


  1. School results for 10 to 11 year olds 24 Jun
  2. School results for 5 to 7 year olds 24 Jun


  1. Honours recipients 23 May


  1. Social housing lettings 26 Apr
  2. Driving licences and access to vehicles 11 Apr
  3. Healthy eating among adults 10 Apr
  4. Overweight adults 10 Apr
  5. Tooth decay in 5 year olds 10 Apr
  6. Healthy eating among 15 year olds 3 Apr


  1. Participation in the arts, culture and heritage 23 Feb
  2. Social housing lettings 21 Feb
  3. Absence from school 8 Feb
  4. Permanent exclusions 8 Feb
  5. Suspensions 8 Feb


  1. Outcomes for treatment for anxiety and depression 31 Jan
  2. Well-being 22 Jan
  3. Physical activity 9 Jan



  1. Persistent low income 14 Dec
  2. Students starting at higher education providers with high, medium and low entry tariffs 6 Dec
  3. Undergraduate degree results 6 Dec


  1. Economic inactivity 28 Nov
  2. Employment 28 Nov
  3. Full time and part time employment 28 Nov
  4. Permanent and temporary employment 28 Nov
  5. Unemployment 28 Nov
  6. Average score for students taking A levels and other qualifications 23 Nov
  7. Civil Service pay 23 Nov
  8. Civil Service workforce 23 Nov
  9. Students getting 3 A grades or better at A level 23 Nov
  10. Entry rates into higher education 21 Nov
  11. Development in 4 to 5 year olds 7 Nov
  12. People in low income households 6 Nov


  1. Arrests 24 Oct
  2. Economic inactivity by qualification level 23 Oct
  3. Employment by qualification level 23 Oct
  4. Unemployment by qualification level 23 Oct
  5. Work and study after higher education 19 Oct
  6. GCSE English and maths results 17 Oct
  7. GCSE results (Attainment 8) 17 Oct
  8. Pupil progress between 11 and 16 years old (‘Progress 8’) 17 Oct
  9. Fire and rescue services workforce 6 Oct
  10. Social workers for children and families 6 Oct
  11. Pensioner income 2 Oct


  1. Stop and search 10 Aug
  2. Community and belonging New 8 Aug
  3. Driving licenses and access to vehicles New 8 Aug
  4. English Baccalaureate entry and achievement New 8 Aug
  5. First year entrants onto undergraduate and postgraduate degrees New 8 Aug
  6. HIV infection with late diagnosis 8 Aug
  7. Incidents involving young people in custody New 8 Aug
  8. Local decisions (combined) New 8 Aug
  9. NHS staff experiences New 8 Aug
  10. Overweight children 8 Aug
  11. Patient access to and satisfaction with NHS dental services New 8 Aug
  12. Patient satisfaction with GP services New 8 Aug
  13. School results for 10 to 11 year olds New 8 Aug
  14. School results for 5 to 7 year olds New 8 Aug
  15. Self inflicted deaths and harm in prison custody New 8 Aug
  16. Social housing lettings New 8 Aug
  17. Spending on renting or buying a house New 8 Aug
  18. Taking part in the arts, culture and heritage New 8 Aug
  19. Travel New 8 Aug
  20. Well-being New 8 Aug
  21. Overcrowded households 2 Aug


  1. Detentions under the Mental Health Act 26 May
  2. Income distribution 26 May
  3. Police workforce 26 May
  4. Honours recipients 25 May
  5. Patient satisfaction with hospital care 24 May
  6. Apprenticeship starts 18 May
  7. Further education participation 18 May
  8. Participation in apprenticeships 18 May


  1. NHS trust board membership 26 Apr
  2. NHS workforce appointments from shortlisting 26 Apr
  3. NHS workforce 13 Apr


  1. Age groups 31 Mar
  2. Male and female populations 31 Mar
  3. Working age population 31 Mar
  4. Civil Service pay 27 Mar
  5. Civil Service workforce 27 Mar
  6. Overweight adults 24 Mar
  7. Leadership of small and medium enterprises 16 Mar


  1. Absence from school 7 Feb
  2. Permanent exclusions 7 Feb
  3. Suspensions 7 Feb
  4. School teacher workforce 3 Feb


  1. Car or van ownership 13 Jan
  2. Driving licences 13 Jan



  1. Population of England and Wales 22 Dec
  2. Regional ethnic diversity 22 Dec


  1. Patient satisfaction with NHS dental services 29 Nov
  2. Satisfaction with access to GP services 29 Nov
  3. Healthy eating among adults 28 Nov
  4. Economic inactivity 3 Nov
  5. Employment 3 Nov
  6. Unemployment 3 Nov


  1. Economic inactivity by qualification level 11 Oct
  2. Employment by qualification level 11 Oct
  3. Unemployment by qualification level 11 Oct
  4. Persistent low income 10 Oct


  1. Full time and part time employment 9 Sep
  2. Permanent and temporary employment 9 Sep


  1. Destinations and earnings of graduates after higher education 30 Aug


  1. Average hourly pay 27 Jul
  2. Employment by occupation 27 Jul
  3. Employment by sector 27 Jul
  4. Physical activity 14 Jul
  5. Length of time spent in unemployment 12 Jul
  6. State support 12 Jul


  1. NHS trust board membership 28 Jun
  2. Detentions under the Mental Health Act 23 Jun
  3. NHS staff believing career progression is fair at work for all staff 23 Jun
  4. NHS staff experiencing discrimination at work 23 Jun
  5. NHS workforce appointments from shortlisting 23 Jun
  6. Use of NHS mental health, learning disability and autism services 23 Jun
  7. People in low income households 16 Jun
  8. Social workers for children and families 16 Jun
  9. Sources of household income 10 Jun
  10. First year entrants onto postgraduate study 9 Jun
  11. First year entrants onto undergraduate study 9 Jun


  1. Stop and search 27 May
  2. Average score for students taking A levels and other qualifications 26 May
  3. Students getting 3 A grades or better at A level 26 May
  4. Fuel poverty 20 May
  5. Fuel poverty gap 20 May
  6. Income distribution 20 May
  7. Self-employment 16 May
  8. Arrests 12 May


  1. GCSE English and maths results 18 Mar
  2. GCSE results (Attainment 8) 18 Mar
  3. Entry rates into higher education 9 Mar


  1. Adult social care – long term support New 7 Feb



  1. Adopted and looked-after children 16 Dec


  1. NHS basic pay 23 Jul


  1. Honours recipients 24 Jun
  2. Victims of crime 21 Jun
  3. Adopted and looked-after children 14 Jun
  4. Self-harm in prison custody 14 Jun
  5. Self-inflicted deaths in prison custody 14 Jun
  6. Violence involving prisoners 14 Jun


  1. Full time and part time employment New 18 May
  2. Permanent and temporary employment New 18 May
  3. Use of NHS mental health, learning disability and autism services 18 May
  4. Confidence in the local police 12 May
  5. Honours recipients 7 May


  1. Reoffending 19 Apr
  2. Average score for students taking A levels and other qualifications 9 Apr
  3. Students getting 3 A grades or better at A level 9 Apr
  4. GCSE English and maths results 6 Apr
  5. GCSE results (Attainment 8) 6 Apr


  1. Fire and rescue services workforce 29 Mar
  2. Prison officer workforce 19 Mar
  3. Detentions under the Mental Health Act 4 Mar


  1. Domestic abuse 26 Feb
  2. Patient satisfaction with hospital care 26 Feb
  3. Tooth decay in 5 year olds 24 Feb
  4. Stop and search 22 Feb
  5. Entry rates into higher education 16 Feb
  6. Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) 15 Feb
  7. Household income 10 Feb
  8. Cigarette smoking among adults 2 Feb


  1. Economic inactivity 29 Jan
  2. Employment 29 Jan
  3. Unemployment 29 Jan
  4. Customer satisfaction with Department for Work and Pensions services 21 Jan



  1. Fuel poverty 18 Dec
  2. Fuel poverty gap 18 Dec
  3. Travel by distance, trips, type of transport and purpose 16 Dec
  4. Travel to school 16 Dec
  5. Economic inactivity by qualification level 15 Dec
  6. Employment by qualification level 15 Dec
  7. Unemployment by qualification level 15 Dec
  8. First year entrants onto undergraduate degrees 11 Dec
  9. GCSE English and maths results 11 Dec
  10. GCSE results (‘Attainment 8’) 11 Dec
  11. People starting at higher education providers with high, medium and low entry tariffs 11 Dec
  12. Undergraduate degree results 11 Dec


  1. Persistent low income 20 Nov
  2. Receipt of Start Up Loans 16 Nov
  3. Unemployment by qualification level 13 Nov
  4. Adopted and looked-after children New 2 Nov


  1. Honours recipients 29 Oct
  2. State support 28 Oct
  3. Sources of household income 20 Oct
  4. Physical activity 12 Oct
  5. Housing with damp problems 8 Oct
  6. People without decent homes 8 Oct
  7. Apprenticeship starts 2 Oct
  8. Further education participation 2 Oct
  9. Participation in apprenticeships 2 Oct


  1. Income distribution 29 Sep
  2. People in low income households New 29 Sep
  3. Honours recipients 24 Sep
  4. Chatting regularly with neighbours 23 Sep
  5. Feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood 23 Sep
  6. Feeling of belonging to Britain 23 Sep
  7. Feeling of community integration 23 Sep
  8. Influencing local decisions 23 Sep
  9. Taking part in local decision making 23 Sep
  10. Volunteering 23 Sep
  11. Inpatient satisfaction with hospital care 21 Sep
  12. Arrests 17 Sep
  13. Destinations and earnings after further education New 14 Sep
  14. Overcrowded households 9 Sep


  1. Entry rates into higher education 24 Aug
  2. Pensioner income 19 Aug
  3. Average score for students taking A levels and other qualifications New 11 Aug


  1. Students getting 3 A grades or better at A level 8 Jul
  2. Destinations of school pupils after GCSEs (and equivalent qualifications) 7 Jul
  3. Destinations of students after 16 to 18 study 7 Jul


  1. People living in deprived neighbourhoods 16 Jun
  2. Domestic abuse New 9 Jun


  1. Detentions under the Mental Health Act 26 May
  2. Use of NHS mental health, learning disability and autism services 26 May
  3. Overweight adults 19 May
  4. Average hourly pay 15 May
  5. Employment by occupation 15 May
  6. Employment by sector 15 May
  7. Self-employment 15 May
  8. Grammar, punctuation and spelling results for 10 to 11 year olds 13 May
  9. Maths results for 10 to 11 year olds 13 May
  10. Reading results for 10 to 11 year olds 13 May
  11. Reading, writing and maths results for 10 to 11 year olds 13 May
  12. Assaults by young people in custody 11 May
  13. Restrictive physical interventions involving young people in custody 11 May
  14. Self-harm by young people in custody 11 May
  15. Single separation incidents for young people in custody 11 May
  16. Use of force on young people in custody 11 May
  17. Young people in custody 11 May
  18. Youth cautions 11 May


  1. Maths results for 6 to 7 year olds 20 Apr
  2. Phonics results for 5 to 7 year olds 20 Apr
  3. Reading results for 6 to 7 year olds 20 Apr
  4. Science results for 6 to 7 year olds 20 Apr
  5. Writing results for 6 to 7 year olds 20 Apr
  6. Housing with damp problems 6 Apr
  7. People without decent homes 6 Apr
  8. Fire and rescue services workforce 3 Apr


  1. Stop and search 19 Mar
  2. Confidence in the local police 4 Mar
  3. Victims of crime 4 Mar


  1. Development goals for 4 to 5 year olds 12 Feb
  2. Home ownership 4 Feb
  3. Outcomes for treatment for anxiety and depression 4 Feb
  4. Renting from a private landlord 4 Feb
  5. Renting social housing 4 Feb


  1. Car or van ownership 30 Jan
  2. Driving licences 30 Jan
  3. Travel by distance, trips, type of transport and purpose 30 Jan
  4. Travel to school 30 Jan
  5. School teacher workforce 28 Jan
  6. Pupil exclusions 27 Jan
  7. Judges and non-legal members of the judiciary 13 Jan
  8. Prison officer workforce 13 Jan
  9. NHS workforce 6 Jan



  1. Participation in the arts 17 Dec
  2. Use of libraries 17 Dec
  3. Visits to heritage sites 17 Dec
  4. Visits to museums and galleries 17 Dec


  1. Civil Service pay 26 Nov
  2. Civil Service workforce 26 Nov
  3. Proven reoffending 8 Nov


  1. Anxiety 25 Oct
  2. Doing worthwhile things in life 25 Oct
  3. Happiness 25 Oct
  4. Life satisfaction 25 Oct
  5. Pupil progress between 11 and 16 years old (‘Progress 8’) 21 Oct
  6. Economic inactivity 16 Oct
  7. Employment 16 Oct
  8. Length of time spent in unemployment 16 Oct
  9. Unemployment 16 Oct
  10. Cigarette smoking among adults 9 Oct
  11. Police workforce 4 Oct


  1. Chatting regularly with neighbours 25 Sep
  2. Feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood 25 Sep
  3. Feeling of belonging to Britain 25 Sep
  4. Feeling of community integration 25 Sep
  5. Influencing local decisions 25 Sep
  6. Taking part in local decision making 25 Sep
  7. Volunteering 25 Sep
  8. Persistent low income 13 Sep
  9. Receipt of Start Up Loans 12 Sep
  10. Consent for organ donation 5 Sep
  11. Internet use 5 Sep


  1. Honours recipients New 29 Aug
  2. Fuel poverty 28 Aug
  3. Fuel poverty gap 28 Aug
  4. English Baccalaureate achievement 22 Aug
  5. English Baccalaureate entry 22 Aug
  6. GCSE English and maths results 22 Aug
  7. GCSE results (‘Attainment 8’) 22 Aug
  8. Pupil progress between 11 and 16 years old (‘Progress 8’) 22 Aug
  9. State support 15 Aug
  10. Absence from school 14 Aug
  11. NHS staff believing career progression is fair at work for all staff 12 Aug
  12. NHS staff experiencing discrimination at work 12 Aug
  13. Economic inactivity by qualification level 9 Aug
  14. Employment by qualification level 9 Aug
  15. Unemployment by qualification level 9 Aug
  16. Routes into social housing 5 Aug


  1. Maths results for 6 to 7 year olds 29 Jul
  2. Phonics results for 5 to 7 year olds 29 Jul
  3. Reading results for 6 to 7 year olds 29 Jul
  4. Science results for 6 to 7 year olds 29 Jul
  5. Writing results for 6 to 7 year olds 29 Jul
  6. Healthy eating among adults 26 Jul
  7. Income distribution 26 Jul
  8. Social workers for children and families 26 Jul
  9. Overweight adults 25 Jul
  10. Early cancer diagnosis 24 Jul
  11. Child maintenance recipients New 11 Jul
  12. Students aged 16 to 18 achieving at least 3 A grades at A level 11 Jul
  13. Household income 4 Jul
  14. Sources of household income 4 Jul


  1. Assaults carried out by young people in custody 27 Jun
  2. Pensioner income 27 Jun
  3. Restrictive physical interventions involving young people in custody 27 Jun
  4. Self-harm by young people in custody 27 Jun
  5. Single separation incidents for young people in custody 27 Jun
  6. Use of force on young people in custody 27 Jun
  7. Young people in custody 27 Jun
  8. Health-related quality of life for people aged 65 and over New 17 Jun
  9. Destinations and earnings of graduates after higher education 11 Jun
  10. Entrants at higher education providers with high, medium and low entry tariffs 6 Jun
  11. Undergraduate degree results 6 Jun
  12. Grammar, punctuation and spelling attainment for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 4 Jun
  13. Maths attainment for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 4 Jun
  14. Reading attainment for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 4 Jun
  15. Reading, writing and maths attainment for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 4 Jun
  16. Writing attainment for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 4 Jun


  1. First year entrants onto postgraduate degrees 20 May
  2. First year entrants onto undergraduate degrees 20 May
  3. Visits to heritage sites 13 May
  4. Visits to museums and galleries 10 May
  5. Destinations of school pupils after key stage 4 (usually aged 16 years) 9 May
  6. Destinations of students after key stage 5 (usually aged 18 years) 9 May
  7. Participation in the arts 9 May
  8. Use of public libraries 9 May
  9. Self-harm in prison custody 7 May
  10. Length of fixed-term tenancies in social housing 3 May


  1. Apprenticeship starts 25 Apr
  2. Vulnerable households going into social housing 17 Apr
  3. Further education participation 16 Apr
  4. Participation in apprenticeships 16 Apr
  5. Youth cautions 16 Apr
  6. Entry rates into higher education 12 Apr
  7. Fire and rescue services workforce 12 Apr
  8. Customer satisfaction with Department for Work and Pensions services 10 Apr
  9. Families and households New 3 Apr


  1. Violence involving prisoners 27 Mar
  2. Outcomes for treatment for anxiety and depression 20 Mar
  3. Patient experience of primary care: GP services 20 Mar
  4. Arrests 18 Mar
  5. Income spent on rent for new lettings of social housing 18 Mar
  6. Self-inflicted deaths in prison custody 14 Mar
  7. Access to NHS dental services 12 Mar
  8. Detentions under the Mental Health Act 12 Mar
  9. Patient satisfaction with NHS dental services 12 Mar
  10. Satisfaction with access to GP services 12 Mar
  11. Prison officer workforce 11 Mar
  12. NHS trust board membership 5 Mar
  13. NHS workforce appointments from shortlisting 5 Mar
  14. Overweight children 5 Mar


  1. Armed forces workforce 27 Feb
  2. Stop and search 15 Feb
  3. Attainment of development goals by children aged 4 to 5 years 8 Feb
  4. Internet use 6 Feb
  5. Jobseeker’s Allowance: how long people claim for 6 Feb


  1. Physical activity 31 Jan
  2. Physical inactivity 31 Jan
  3. Leadership of Small and Medium Enterprises New 21 Jan



  1. Length of time spent in unemployment 21 Dec
  2. People claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance 21 Dec
  3. Customer satisfaction with Department for Work and Pensions services 20 Dec
  4. Inpatient satisfaction with hospital care 20 Dec
  5. NHS staff believing career progression is fair at work for all staff New 18 Dec
  6. People born outside the UK New 17 Dec
  7. Confidence in the local police 7 Dec
  8. Victims of crime 7 Dec
  9. Sources of household income 6 Dec
  10. Household income 3 Dec
  11. State support 3 Dec


  1. NHS workforce 30 Nov
  2. Entrants at higher education providers with high, medium and low entry tariffs New 23 Nov
  3. Undergraduate degree results New 23 Nov


  1. Age of first-time buyers 10 Oct
  2. Attainment in English and Maths GCSE at grade 5 or above for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4) 10 Oct
  3. Deposits paid by first-time buyers 10 Oct
  4. Employment by occupation 10 Oct
  5. Employment by sector 10 Oct
  6. Financial help from family to buy a home 10 Oct
  7. Home ownership 10 Oct
  8. Households under-occupying their home 10 Oct
  9. Housing with damp problems 10 Oct
  10. Non-decent homes 10 Oct
  11. Overcrowded households 10 Oct
  12. Pensioner income 10 Oct
  13. Prosecutions and convictions 10 Oct
  14. Renting from a local authority or housing association (‘social housing’) 10 Oct
  15. Renting from a private landlord 10 Oct
  16. Sentences and custody 10 Oct
  17. Spending on rent and mortgages 10 Oct
  18. Time spent living in current home 10 Oct
  19. Absence from school 9 Oct
  20. GCSE results (‘Attainment 8’) for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4) 9 Oct
  21. Average length of custodial sentences 8 Oct
  22. HIV infection with late diagnosis 8 Oct
  23. Self-employment 8 Oct
  24. Cancer diagnosis at an early stage 5 Oct
  25. Civil Service pay New 5 Oct
  26. Economic inactivity by qualification level 5 Oct
  27. Employment by qualification level 5 Oct
  28. Healthy eating of 5-a-day among adults 5 Oct
  29. Income spent on rent for new lettings of social housing 5 Oct
  30. Judges and non-legal members of the judiciary 5 Oct
  31. New social housing lettings 5 Oct
  32. Students aged 16 to 18 achieving 3 A grades or better at A level 5 Oct
  33. Unemployment by qualification level 5 Oct
  34. Absence of tooth decay in 5 year olds 4 Oct
  35. Adult smokers 4 Oct
  36. Average hourly pay 4 Oct
  37. Fuel poverty 4 Oct
  38. Fuel poverty gap 4 Oct
  39. Apprenticeship starts 3 Oct
  40. Chatting regularly with neighbours 3 Oct
  41. Feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood 3 Oct
  42. Feeling of belonging to Britain 3 Oct
  43. Feeling of community integration 3 Oct
  44. Further education participation 3 Oct
  45. Influencing local decisions 3 Oct
  46. Participation in apprenticeships 3 Oct
  47. Taking part in local decision making 3 Oct
  48. Volunteering 3 Oct
  49. Well-being: anxiety yesterday 3 Oct
  50. Well-being: happiness yesterday 3 Oct
  51. Well-being: how worthwhile people feel the things they do in their life are 3 Oct
  52. Well-being: Life satisfaction 3 Oct
  53. Armed forces workforce 2 Oct
  54. Arrests 2 Oct
  55. Civil Service workforce 2 Oct
  56. Police workforce 2 Oct
  57. Remand status at Crown Court 2 Oct
  58. Self-harm by young people in custody 2 Oct
  59. Young people in custody 2 Oct
  60. Youth cautions 2 Oct
  61. Car or van ownership 1 Oct
  62. Driving licences 1 Oct
  63. Statutory homelessness 1 Oct
  64. Travel by distance, trips, type of transport and purpose 1 Oct
  65. Travel to school 1 Oct


  1. Pupil exclusions 28 Sep
  2. NHS basic pay New 27 Sep
  3. Organ donation: consent New 26 Sep
  4. School teacher workforce 24 Sep
  5. Economic inactivity 21 Sep
  6. Employment 21 Sep
  7. Persistent low income 21 Sep
  8. Unemployment 21 Sep
  9. Fire and rescue services workforce New 13 Sep
  10. Assaults carried out by young people in custody 6 Sep
  11. Self-harm in prison custody 6 Sep


  1. Restrictive physical interventions involving young people in custody 31 Aug
  2. Single separation incidents for young people in custody 31 Aug
  3. Use of force on young people in custody 31 Aug
  4. Grammar, punctuation and spelling attainment for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 24 Aug
  5. Maths attainments for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 24 Aug
  6. Reading attainments for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 24 Aug
  7. Reading, writing and maths attainments for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 24 Aug
  8. Writing attainments for children aged 10 to 11 (key stage 2) 24 Aug
  9. Age groups New 22 Aug
  10. Harmful and probable dependent drinking in adults New 22 Aug
  11. Overweight adults 22 Aug
  12. Participation in the arts 22 Aug
  13. Socioeconomic status New 22 Aug
  14. Use of public libraries 22 Aug
  15. Visits to heritage sites 22 Aug
  16. Visits to museums and galleries 22 Aug
  17. NHS staff experiencing discrimination at work New 21 Aug
  18. Self-inflicted deaths in prison custody 21 Aug
  19. Violence involving prisoners 21 Aug
  20. Receipt of Start Up Loans 20 Aug
  21. Income distribution 16 Aug
  22. Destinations of school pupils after key stage 4 (usually aged 16 years) 15 Aug
  23. Destinations of students after key stage 5 (usually aged 18 years) 15 Aug
  24. Length of fixed-term tenancies in social housing 15 Aug
  25. Routes into social housing 15 Aug
  26. Vulnerable households going into social housing 15 Aug
  27. Confidence in the local police 14 Aug
  28. Victims of crime 14 Aug
  29. Overweight children 3 Aug
  30. Male and female populations New 1 Aug
  31. Population of England and Wales New 1 Aug
  32. Regional ethnic diversity New 1 Aug
  33. Working age population New 1 Aug


  1. Prison officer workforce 11 Jul
  2. HIV infection with late diagnosis New 5 Jul


  1. Destinations and earnings of graduates after higher education New 28 Jun
  2. Social workers for children and families New 28 Jun
  3. Success of shortlisted NHS job applicants New 6 Jun


  1. Car or van ownership 16 May
  2. Driving licences 16 May
  3. Entry rates into higher education New 11 May
  4. Stop and search 11 May
  5. Armed forces workforce 10 May
  6. Mathematics attainments for children aged 6 to 7 (key stage 1) 4 May
  7. Phonics attainments for children aged 5 to 7 (key stage 1) 4 May
  8. Reading attainments for children aged 6 to 7 (key stage 1) 4 May
  9. Science attainments for children aged 6 to 7 (key stage 1) 4 May
  10. Writing attainments for children aged 6 to 7 (key stage 1) 4 May


  1. Police workforce 19 Apr
  2. Judges and non-legal members of the judiciary 17 Apr
  3. Proven reoffending New 3 Apr


  1. NHS workforce New 19 Mar
  2. People living in deprived neighbourhoods New 16 Mar
  3. Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) New 15 Mar
  4. NHS trust board membership New 13 Mar
  5. Adults using NHS-funded mental health and learning disability services New 8 Mar


  1. Employment and Support Allowance: sanctions New 28 Feb
  2. Attainment of development goals by children aged 4 to 5 years New 15 Feb
  3. English language skills New 7 Feb


  1. Restrictive physical interventions involving young people in custody New 31 Jan
  2. Economic inactivity by qualification level New 23 Jan
  3. Employment by qualification level New 23 Jan
  4. Sentences and custody New 23 Jan
  5. Unemployment by qualification level New 23 Jan
  6. Average length of custodial sentences New 17 Jan



  1. Young people in custody New 22 Dec
  2. Absence of tooth decay in 5 year olds New 21 Dec
  3. Single separation incidents for young people in custody New 21 Dec
  4. Well-being: anxiety yesterday New 21 Dec
  5. Well-being: happiness yesterday New 21 Dec
  6. Well-being: how worthwhile people feel the things they do in their life are New 21 Dec
  7. Well-being: Life satisfaction New 21 Dec
  8. Physical activity New 18 Dec
  9. Physical inactivity New 18 Dec
  10. Access to NHS dental services New 11 Dec
  11. Patient satisfaction with NHS dental services New 11 Dec
  12. Outcomes for treatment for anxiety and depression New 4 Dec


  1. First year entrants onto postgraduate degrees New 30 Nov
  2. First year entrants onto undergraduate degrees New 30 Nov
  3. Jobseeker’s Allowance: how long people claim for New 28 Nov
  4. Pupil progress (‘Progress 8’) between ages 11 and 16 (key stage 2 to key stage 4) New 28 Nov
  5. Taking part in local decision making New 16 Nov
  6. Adults visiting museums and galleries New 15 Nov
  7. Jobseeker's Allowance: sanctions New 15 Nov
  8. Travel to school New 15 Nov
  9. Pensioner income New 13 Nov
  10. Sources of household income New 13 Nov


  1. Feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood New 30 Oct
  2. Access to Start Up Loans New 27 Oct
  3. Volunteering New 27 Oct
  4. Chatting regularly with neighbours New 25 Oct
  5. Influencing local decisions New 25 Oct
  6. State support New 25 Oct
  7. Adults using public libraries New 24 Oct
  8. Adults visiting heritage sites New 24 Oct
  9. Adults taking part in the arts New 19 Oct
  10. People claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance New 16 Oct
  11. Absence from school New 10 Oct
  12. Adults experiencing a psychotic disorder New 10 Oct
  13. Adults experiencing common mental disorders New 10 Oct
  14. Adult smokers New 10 Oct
  15. Adults receiving treatment for mental or emotional problems New 10 Oct
  16. Adults reporting suicidal thoughts, attempts and self harm New 10 Oct
  17. Adults screening positive for bipolar disorder New 10 Oct
  18. Adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the month prior to survey New 10 Oct
  19. Age of first-time buyers New 10 Oct
  20. Apprenticeship starts New 10 Oct
  21. Armed forces workforce New 10 Oct
  22. Assaults carried out by young people in custody New 10 Oct
  23. A* to C in English and Maths GCSE attainment for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4) New 10 Oct
  24. Average hourly pay New 10 Oct
  25. Cancer diagnosis at an early stage New 10 Oct
  26. Car or van ownership New 10 Oct
  27. Cigarette smoking among 15 year olds New 10 Oct
  28. Civil Service Workforce New 10 Oct
  29. Confidence in the local police New 10 Oct
  30. Customer satisfaction with Department for Work and Pensions services New 10 Oct
  31. Deposits paid by first-time buyers New 10 Oct
  32. Destinations of school pupils after key stage 4 (usually aged 16 years) New 10 Oct
  33. Destinations of students after key stage 5 (usually aged 18 years) New 10 Oct
  34. Detentions under the Mental Health Act New 10 Oct
  35. Driving licences New 10 Oct
  36. Drug dependency in adults New 10 Oct
  37. Economic inactivity New 10 Oct
  38. Employment New 10 Oct
  39. Employment by occupation New 10 Oct
  40. Employment by sector New 10 Oct
  41. Employment tribunal claims New 10 Oct
  42. English Baccalaureate (EBacc) achievement for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4) New 10 Oct
  43. English Baccalaureate (EBacc) entry for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4) New 10 Oct
  44. Fear of crime New 10 Oct
  45. Feeling of belonging to Britain New 10 Oct
  46. Feeling of community integration New 10 Oct
  47. Financial help from family to buy a home New 10 Oct
  48. Fuel poverty New 10 Oct
  49. Fuel poverty gap New 10 Oct
  50. Further education participation New 10 Oct
  51. GCSE results (‘Attainment 8’) for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4) New 10 Oct
  52. Grammar, punctuation and spelling attainment for children aged 7 to 11 (key stage 2) New 10 Oct
  53. Healthy eating of 5-a-day among 15 year olds New 10 Oct
  54. Healthy eating of 5-a-day among adults New 10 Oct
  55. Home ownership New 10 Oct
  56. Household income New 10 Oct
  57. Households under-occupying their home New 10 Oct
  58. Housing with damp problems New 10 Oct
  59. Illicit drug use among adults New 10 Oct
  60. Income distribution New 10 Oct
  61. Income spent on rent for new lettings of social housing New 10 Oct
  62. Inpatient satisfaction with hospital care New 10 Oct
  63. Internet use New 10 Oct
  64. Judges and non-legal members of courts and tribunals in the workforce New 10 Oct
  65. Length of tenancy in social housing New 10 Oct
  66. Length of time spent in unemployment New 10 Oct
  67. Low income New 10 Oct
  68. Mathematics attainments for children aged 5 to 7 (key stage 1) New 10 Oct
  69. Maths attainments for children aged 7 to 11 (key stage 2) New 10 Oct
  70. New social housing lettings New 10 Oct
  71. Non-decent homes New 10 Oct
  72. Number of arrests New 10 Oct
  73. Overcrowded households New 10 Oct
  74. Overweight adults New 10 Oct
  75. Overweight children New 10 Oct
  76. Participation in apprenticeships New 10 Oct
  77. Patient experience of primary care - GP services New 10 Oct
  78. Patient satisfaction with GP out-of-hours services New 10 Oct
  79. Phonics attainments for children aged 5 to 7 (key stage 1) New 10 Oct
  80. Police workforce New 10 Oct
  81. Prevalence of ADHD among adults New 10 Oct
  82. Prevalence of personality disorder in adults New 10 Oct
  83. Prison officer workforce New 10 Oct
  84. Prosecutions and convictions New 10 Oct
  85. Pupil exclusions New 10 Oct
  86. Reading attainments for children aged 5 to 7 (key stage 1) New 10 Oct
  87. Reading attainments for children aged 7 to 11 (key stage 2) New 10 Oct
  88. Reading, writing and maths attainments for children aged 7 to 11 (key stage 2) New 10 Oct
  89. Remand status at Crown Court New 10 Oct
  90. Renting from a local authority or housing association (‘social housing’) New 10 Oct
  91. Renting from a private landlord New 10 Oct
  92. Routes into social housing New 10 Oct
  93. Satisfaction with access to GP services New 10 Oct
  94. School teacher workforce New 10 Oct
  95. Science attainments for children aged 5 to 7 (key stage 1) New 10 Oct
  96. Self-employment New 10 Oct
  97. Self-harm by young people in custody New 10 Oct
  98. Self-harm in prison custody New 10 Oct
  99. Self-inflicted deaths in prison custody New 10 Oct
  100. Spending on rent and mortgages New 10 Oct
  101. Statutory homelessness New 10 Oct
  102. Stop and search New 10 Oct
  103. Students aged 16 to 18 achieving 3 A grades or better at A level New 10 Oct
  104. Time spent living in current home New 10 Oct
  105. Travel by distance, trips, type of transport and purpose New 10 Oct
  106. Unemployment New 10 Oct
  107. Use of force on young offenders in custody New 10 Oct
  108. Victims of crime New 10 Oct
  109. Violence involving prisoners New 10 Oct
  110. Visits to the natural environment New 10 Oct
  111. Vulnerable households living in social housing New 10 Oct
  112. Writing attainments for children aged 5 to 7 (key stage 1) New 10 Oct
  113. Writing attainments for children aged 7 to 11 (key stage 2) New 10 Oct
  114. Youth cautions New 10 Oct