
There are 114 published pages using this level of geography.

Topic Sub-topic Title
Crime, justice and the law Policing
Crime, justice and the law Crime and reoffending
Crime, justice and the law Courts, sentencing and tribunals
Crime, justice and the law Prison and custody incidents
Culture and community Community
Culture and community Culture and heritage
Culture and community Civic participation
Culture and community Transport
Education, skills and training 7 to 11 years old
Education, skills and training 11 to 16 years old
Education, skills and training A levels, apprenticeships and further education
Education, skills and training Higher education
Education, skills and training After education
Health Alcohol, smoking and drug use
Health Diet and exercise
Health Wellbeing
Health Mental health
Health Physical health
Health Patient experience
Health Social care
Housing Owning and renting
Housing Social housing
Housing Housing conditions
UK population by ethnicity National and regional populations
UK population by ethnicity Demographics
Work, pay and benefits Employment
Work, pay and benefits Unemployment and economic inactivity
Work, pay and benefits Benefits
Workforce and business Workforce diversity
Workforce and business Public sector pay
Workforce and business Business