

1. Main facts and figures

  • in 2023, when people in the UK were asked how satisfied they are with their life, the average score was 7.45 out of 10 (where 10 is ‘completely satisfied’)

  • the average score for feeling worthwhile was 7.73 out of 10 (where 10 is 'completely worthwhile')

  • the average score for happiness was 7.39 out of 10 (where 10 is 'completely happy')

  • the average anxiety score was 3.23 out of 10 (where 10 is 'completely anxious’)

  • average life satisfaction scores for the mixed (6.94), black (7.14) and other (7.22) ethnic groups were lower than the national average

  • the average score for feeling worthwhile was lower for the mixed ethnic group (7.16) than the national average

  • the average happiness score for the mixed ethnic group (7.11) was lower than the national average

  • the average anxiety score for the mixed ethnic group (3.69) was higher than the national average

2. Things you need to know

What the data measures

The data also measures how people felt generally in relation to:

  • life satisfaction
  • feeling the things they do in life are worthwhile

The data measures how people felt yesterday in relation to:

  • happiness
  • anxiety

People responded on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘not at all’, and 10 is ‘completely’.

Only meaningful differences have been commented on.

Average scores are rounded to 2 decimal places.

Not included in the data

Data is not shown if it is based on fewer than 50 respondents. This is to protect people’s confidentiality and because the numbers involved are too small to make reliable generalisations.

The ethnic groups used in the data

Data is shown for the 5 ethnic groups used across the UK in the 2011 Censuses.

The data file also provides estimates for all 18 ethnic groups in England and Wales; Scotland and Northern Ireland use different classifications which are not comparable at lower levels


Read the detailed methodology document for the data on this page.

The figures on this page are based on survey data. Find out more about:

In the data file

See Download the data for:

  • the percentage of people in each threshold for life satisfaction, how worthwhile they felt the things they did in life were, happiness and anxiety

  • the average scores for the well-being measures of life satisfaction, how worthwhile they felt the things they did in life were, happiness and anxiety

  • confidence intervals for each ethnic group – find out more about how we use confidence intervals to determine how reliable estimates are

  • estimates for all 18 ethnic groups in England and Wales; Scotland and Northern Ireland use different classifications which are not comparable at lower levels

3. By ethnicity (life satisfaction)

Average life satisfaction score, by ethnicity
Ethnicity Score Number of Respondents
All 7.45 90,130
Asian 7.46 3,310
Black 7.14 1,560
Mixed 6.94 680
White 7.47 83,710
Other 7.22 840

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity (life satisfaction)’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity (life satisfaction)’ (CSV)

4. By ethnicity (feeling things are worthwhile)

Average score for how worthwhile people felt the things they did in their life were by ethnicity
Ethnicity Score Number of Respondents
All 7.73 89,910
Asian 7.69 3,290
Black 7.70 1,550
Mixed 7.16 670
White 7.75 83,520
Other 7.58 830

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity (feeling things are worthwhile)’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity (feeling things are worthwhile)’ (CSV)

5. By ethnicity (happiness)

Average happiness score, by ethnicity
Ethnicity Score Number of Respondents
All 7.39 90,070
Asian 7.49 3,310
Black 7.37 1,560
Mixed 7.11 680
White 7.39 83,650
Other 7.25 840

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity (happiness)’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity (happiness)’ (CSV)

6. By ethnicity (anxiety)

Average anxiety score, by ethnicity
Ethnicity Score Number of Respondents
All 3.23 90,050
Asian 3.07 3,300
Black 3.12 1,550
Mixed 3.69 670
White 3.24 83,640
Other 3.51 840

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity (anxiety)’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity (anxiety)’ (CSV)

7. Data sources


Type of data

Survey data

Type of statistic

National Statistics


Office for National Statistics

Publication frequency


Purpose of data source

The Office for National Statistics collects well-being data to:

  • monitor national well-being
  • support government policy making
  • give individuals data they can use to make informed decisions
  • make comparisons between the UK and other countries

8. Download the data

Well-being means 2023 - Spreadsheet (csv) 23 KB

This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, ethnicity_type, time, time_type, geography, geography_type, value, value_type, lower_95_c_i, upper_95_c_i, sample_size, value_note

Well-being thresholds 2023 - Spreadsheet (csv) 85 KB

This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, ethnicity_type, time time_type, geography, geography_type, value, value_type, threshold, lower_95_c_i, upper_95_c_i, sample_size, value_note