Financial help from family to buy a home
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1. Main facts and figures
- in 2015 to 2017, 14.4 million of the estimated 23 million households in England owned their home, either outright or with a mortgage – of the 14.4 million homeowners, 1 million (7%) had financial help from family members to buy their current home
- homeowners from the Pakistani (14%) or Other White (13%) ethnic groups were the most likely of all groups to have financial help from family members – although the charts and tables show that 19% of homeowners from the Chinese ethnic group received help, the sample size for this group is small and any generalisations based on this result are unreliable
Things you need to know
Compared with White British households, ethnic minority households tend to:
- be younger
- have lived in England for a shorter time
- be located in urban areas
- live in larger households
- live in rented accommodation
To ensure that there is a large enough number of ethnic minority households to produce reliable findings, the data is drawn from the English Housing Survey (EHS) for 2 years combined: 2015/16 and 2016/17.
You should avoid comparing these findings with those from last year. This is because last year’s findings were based on EHS data from 2014/15 and 2015/16, so the source for last year’s and this year’s findings overlap.
Information published in the EHS headline report and other annual reports is usually based on a 12-month period, rather than the 2 years’ combined data used here. As a result, the statistics shown here may not match those in the EHS reports.
The commentary has focused on findings based on subgroups of at least 30 households to ensure that only reliable findings are reported.
The number of Gypsy or Irish Traveller households in the data is very small. To avoid disclosing personal information about individuals in those groups, information about them is not presented in some of the tables and charts.
The English Housing Survey (EHS) is a ‘sample survey’: it collects information from a random sample of the population to make generalisations (reach 'findings’) about the total population.
The commentary for this data only includes reliable, or ‘statistically significant’, findings.
Findings are statistically significant when we can be confident that they can be repeated, and are reflective of the total population rather than just the survey sample.
Specifically, the statistical tests used mean we can be confident that if we carried out the same survey on different random samples of the population, 19 times out of 20 we would get similar findings.
What the data measures
This data measures the financial help given by family members to buy a home, broken down by ethnicity. Financial help includes any gift or loan from family members which is used to pay all or part of the cost of buying a home.
The figures are drawn from the 2015/16 and 2016/17 English Housing Survey (EHS). The survey involves face-to-face interviews with about 13,300 randomly-selected households every year.
These are used to make estimates for the 23 million households in England as a whole.
The EHS is a national survey of people's housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of homes.
The information relates to households. A household is one person or a group of people (not necessarily related) who have the accommodation as their only or main residence. If it is a group, they must share cooking facilities and also share a living room, sitting room or dining area.
Some households contain people from different ethnic backgrounds. In these circumstances, the ethnic background of the ‘household reference person’ (usually the person in whose name the home is owned) is used to define the ethnic background of the household.
Nearly all the household reference persons – more than 99.8% interviewed – gave information on their ethnicity.
The ethnic categories used in this data
This data uses the following 18 ethnic groups based on the 2011 Census.
- English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
- Irish
- Gypsy, Traveller or Irish Traveller
- Any other White background
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups:
- White and Black Caribbean
- White and Black African
- White and Asian
- Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background
Asian/Asian British:
- Indian
- Pakistani
- Bangladeshi
- Chinese
- Any other Asian background
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British:
- African
- Caribbean
- Any other Black/African/Caribbean background
Other ethnic group:
- Arab
- Any other ethnic group
2. Households getting financial help from family to buy their home, by ethnicity
Ethnicity | % | help from family to buy households ('000s) | All households ('000s) |
Asian | |||
Bangladeshi | 7 | 4 | 51 |
Chinese | 19 | 8 | 41 |
Indian | 10 | 33 | 336 |
Pakistani | 14 | 24 | 178 |
Asian other | 7 | 5 | 75 |
Black | |||
Black African | 9 | 7 | 75 |
Black Caribbean | 7 | 7 | 105 |
Black other | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable |
Mixed | |||
Mixed White/Asian | 8 | 3 | 40 |
Mixed White/Black African | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable |
Mixed White/Black Caribbean | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable |
Mixed other | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable |
White | |||
White British | 7 | 851 | 12,208 |
White Irish | 8 | 8 | 98 |
White Gypsy/Traveller | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable |
White other | 13 | 43 | 339 |
Other | |||
Arab | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable | withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable |
Any other | 11 | 8 | 76 |
Download table data for ‘Households getting financial help from family to buy their home, by ethnicity’ (CSV) Source data for ‘Households getting financial help from family to buy their home, by ethnicity’ (CSV)
Summary of Financial help from family to buy a home Households getting financial help from family to buy their home, by ethnicity Summary
This data shows that:
- in 2015 to 2017, 1 million (7%) of the 14.4 million homeowner households in England had financial help from family members to buy their current home
- compared with White British households (7%), a higher percentage of homeowners from Pakistani (14%) or Other White (13%) backgrounds had financial help from family members to buy their home
- although the chart and table show differences between homeowner households for the remaining ethnic groups, the number surveyed was too small to draw firm conclusions
3. Methodology
The English Housing Survey involves face-to-face interviews with a random sample of about 13,300 households a year.
The dwellings of about 6,000 of the interviewed households are randomly selected to take part in the physical survey element carried out by a qualified surveyor. In addition, a random sample of around 200 of the dwellings identified by the interviewer as vacant are also included in the physical survey element.
Weights are applied to the sample to produce estimates for the 23 million households in England as a whole.
Suppression rules and disclosure control
Estimates based on fewer than 30 households have not been included in these statistics, because small numbers of households make it impossible to draw meaningful conclusions.
More detailed data, including some potentially disclosive data, is protected by a range of disclosure controls. See the guidance on English Housing Survey datasets for information accessing this data.
Percentages shown in the charts and tables are rounded to the nearest whole number. Download the data to see figures rounded to 1 decimal place.
Figures for the numerator and denominator are weighted and rounded to the nearest whole number in the download files. Therefore, calculations of the percentages using these values may differ to the percentage figures shown on this page, which have been calculated using unrounded figures.
Related publications
English Housing Survey information and publications.
Quality and methodology information
4. Data sources
Type of data
Survey data
Type of statistic
National Statistics
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Note on corrections or updates
Information published in the EHS headline report and other annual reports is usually based on a 12-month period, rather than the 2 years’ combined data used here. As a result, the statistics shown here may not match those in the EHS reports.
Publication frequency
Purpose of data source
The English Housing Survey is a continuous national survey commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. It collects information about people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of housing in England.
5. Download the data
This file contains the following: ethnicity, year, geography, value, denominator, numerator and sample size