GCSE English and maths results


1. Main facts and figures

  • in the 2021 to 2022 school year, 49.8% of pupils in England got a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths

  • 80% of pupils from the Chinese ethnic group got a grade 5 or above – the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups

  • 8.5% of white Gypsy or Roma pupils got a grade 5 or above – the lowest percentage

  • in every ethnic group, a higher percentage of girls than boys got a grade 5 or above

  • in every ethnic group, a lower percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals got a grade 5 or above than those not eligible

  • out of all local authorities, Sutton (in London) had the highest percentage of pupils who got a grade of 5 or above in GCSE English and maths (69.3%)

Research for the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities by Professor Steve Strand found attainment is closely related to socio-economic status. When this is controlled for, most ethnic groups perform better than the white British ethnic group, except for the black Caribbean and Pakistani ethnic groups.

Previous research by Professor Steve Strand (PDF) (PDF opens in a new window or tab) highlights factors outside of the school day that can also influence pupils’ educational success. These include the educational aspirations of pupils and their parents, how pupils perceive their own ability, and how often they complete homework.

2. Things you need to know

What the data measures

The data measures the percentage of pupils at state-funded mainstream schools in England who got a grade 5 or above in both GCSE English and maths.

Percentages are rounded to 1 decimal place.

Not included in the data

Figures for local authorities with only one school are not shown in the data.

The ethnic groups used in the data

Data is shown for the 18 ethnic groups used in the 2011 Census, with 2 exceptions:

  • there are separate categories for traveller of Irish heritage, and white Gypsy or Roma pupils
  • pupils in the Chinese ethnic group are in a separate category from Asian pupils

Ethnicity was known for 98.0% of pupils.


Read the detailed methodology document for the data on this page.

In 2020 and 2021, summer exams were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, there were changes to the way grades were awarded, and to how school and college performance measures were calculated.

Results achieved between January 2020 and August 2021 by pupils included in data for the 2021 to 2022 school year are not included in the calculations.

You can read more about Ofqual’s approach to grading exams and assessments in summer 2022 and autumn 2021.

In the data file

See Download the data for data by:

  • type of school
  • type of selection
  • religion of school

Some figures do not add up to the total for all pupils when separated by certain factors, for example, religion of school, or special educational needs (SEN).

Pupils with unknown SEN provision have been included in the SEN total but do not have their own breakdown.

Further education colleges with courses for 14 to 16 year olds are included in the total for all state-funded schools but not in the breakdowns.

3. By ethnicity

Percentage of pupils getting a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths, and total number of pupils, by ethnicity
Ethnicity % Pupils
All 49.8 587,660
Asian 61.5 66,828
Bangladeshi 62.1 10,690
Indian 73.0 18,221
Pakistani 51.2 26,639
Asian other 66.7 11,278
Black 49.4 36,070
Black African 54.5 24,499
Black Caribbean 34.6 7,063
Black other 45.3 4,508
Chinese 80.0 2,435
Mixed 49.9 34,068
Mixed white and Asian 60.8 8,161
Mixed white and black African 48.4 4,629
Mixed white and black Caribbean 36.2 8,895
Mixed other 53.0 12,383
White 47.9 425,270
White British 47.7 388,054
White Irish 60.6 1,611
Gypsy or Roma 8.5 1,432
Irish Traveller 14.4 187
White other 52.1 33,986
Other 52.1 11,976
Unknown 42.1 11,013

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity’ (CSV)

Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity Summary

Data for the 2021 to 2022 school year shows that:

  • 49.8% pupils in England got a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths

  • 80% of pupils from the Chinese ethnic group got a grade 5 or above – the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups

  • the next highest percentages were in the Indian (73.0%) and Asian ‘other’ (66.7%) ethnic groups

  • 8.5% of white Gypsy and Roma pupils and 14.4% of Irish traveller pupils got a grade 5 or above – the lowest percentages

  • out of the 5 white ethnic groups, white Irish pupils were most likely to get a grade 5 or above (60.6%)

  • out of the 3 black ethnic groups, black African pupils were most likely to get a grade 5 or above (54.5%) and black Caribbean pupils were least likely to (34.6%)

4. By ethnicity and gender

Percentage of pupils getting a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths, and total number of pupils, by ethnicity and gender
boys girls
Ethnicity boys % boys Pupils girls % girls Pupils
All 47.0 300,517 52.7 287,143
Asian 58.9 34,426 64.2 32,402
Bangladeshi 60.8 5,392 63.5 5,298
Indian 70.5 9,411 75.6 8,810
Pakistani 48.4 13,619 54.0 13,020
Asian other 63.0 6,004 71.0 5,274
Black 44.1 18,080 54.8 17,990
Black African 49.4 12,211 59.5 12,288
Black Caribbean 29.2 3,540 40.0 3,523
Black other 39.0 2,329 52.0 2,179
Chinese 75.8 1,239 84.4 1,196
Mixed 47.3 17,315 52.5 16,753
Mixed white and Asian 58.5 4,275 63.4 3,886
Mixed white and black African 46.0 2,339 50.7 2,290
Mixed white and black Caribbean 32.6 4,351 39.7 4,544
Mixed other 50.3 6,350 55.8 6,033
White 45.3 217,373 50.6 207,897
White British 45.1 198,336 50.4 189,718
White Irish 57.9 845 63.6 766
Gypsy or Roma 7.2 704 9.8 728
Irish Traveller 10.7 84 17.5 103
White other 49.8 17,404 54.6 16,582
Other 48.6 6,360 56.0 5,616
Unknown 40.1 5,724 44.2 5,289

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and gender’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and gender’ (CSV)

Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity and gender Summary

Data for the 2021 to 2022 school year shows that:

  • a higher percentage of girls (52.7%) than boys (47.0%) got a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths

  • in every ethnic group, a higher percentage of girls than boys got a grade 5 or above

  • 84.4% of girls and 75.8% of boys from the Chinese ethnic group got grade 5 or above – the highest percentages out of all ethnic groups

  • 7.2% of boys and and 9.8% of girls from the white Gypsy or Roma ethnic group got a grade 5 or above – the lowest percentages

  • the smallest gap between girls and boys was in the white Gypsy or Roma ethnic group (2.6 percentage points)

  • the biggest gap between boys and girls was in the black ‘other’ ethnic group, where 52.0% of girls and 39.0% of boys got a grade 5 or above – a gap of 13 percentage points

5. By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals

Percentage of pupils getting a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths, and total number of pupils, by ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals
free school meals no free school meals
Ethnicity free school meals % free school meals Pupils no free school meals % no free school meals Pupils
All 28.4 121,847 55.4 465,813
Asian 46.5 14,108 65.5 52,720
Bangladeshi 52.7 3,407 66.6 7,283
Indian 53.4 1,635 74.9 16,586
Pakistani 40.6 6,824 54.8 19,815
Asian other 49.8 2,242 70.9 9,036
Black 39.8 11,650 54.0 24,420
Black African 45.1 7,583 58.7 16,916
Black Caribbean 26.1 2,569 39.4 4,494
Black other 36.2 1,498 49.8 3,010
Chinese 69.8 205 80.9 2,230
Mixed 30.9 9,636 57.3 24,432
Mixed white and Asian 35.7 1,680 67.3 6,481
Mixed white and black African 35.3 1,441 54.3 3,188
Mixed white and black Caribbean 23.0 3,341 44.1 5,554
Mixed other 34.7 3,174 59.3 9,209
White 22.5 79,675 53.8 345,595
White British 21.8 73,447 53.7 314,607
White Irish 32.1 280 66.6 1,331
Gypsy or Roma 5.7 750 11.6 682
Irish Traveller 7.8 102 22.4 85
White other 35.2 5,096 55.1 28,890
Other 41.0 4,186 58.0 7,790
Unknown 28.7 2,387 45.8 8,626

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals’ (CSV)

Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals Summary

Eligibility for free school meals in England is used as an indicator of deprivation.

Data for the 2021 to 2022 school year shows that, for pupils eligible for free school meals:

  • 28.4% got a grade 5 or above in English and maths, compared with 55.4% of non-eligible pupils

  • in every ethnic group, they were less likely to get a grade 5 or above than non-eligible pupils

  • 69.8% of pupils from the Chinese ethnic group got a grade 5 or above – the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups

  • 5.7% of white Gypsy or Roma pupils got a grade 5 or above – the lowest percentage

  • 22.5% of white pupils got a grade 5 or above, compared with 53.8% of non-eligible white pupils – a gap of 31.3 percentage points

  • the biggest gap was in the white Irish ethnic group – 32.1% got a grade 5 or above, compared with 66.6% of non-eligible pupils

6. By ethnicity and special educational needs

Percentage of pupils getting a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths, and total number of pupils, by ethnicity and special educational needs
Any SEN No identified SEN SEN Support SEN with a statement or EHC plan
Ethnicity Any SEN % Any SEN Pupils No identified SEN % No identified SEN Pupils SEN Support % SEN Support Pupils SEN with a statement or EHC plan % SEN with a statement or EHC plan Pupils
All 18.3 92,399 55.8 493,881 20.3 3,566 5.7 1,566
Asian 20.9 6,644 66.0 60,183 26.0 4,665 8.8 1,979
Black 15.9 5,132 55.0 30,936 22.3 53,264 6.8 18,997
Chinese 33.1 172 83.6 2,263 24.3 1,018 7.2 346
Mixed 18.7 5,406 55.7 28,658 46.2 104 13.2 68
White 18.2 72,261 54.0 352,966 22.9 3,934 7.6 1,472
Other 19.9 1,364 56.2 10,611 22.5 67,546 7.0 24,853
Unknown 17.2 1,420 51.5 8,264 21.8 995 6.4 425

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and special educational needs’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and special educational needs’ (CSV)

Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity and special educational needs Summary

Data for the 2021 to 2022 school year shows that, for pupils with special educational needs:

  • 18.3% of pupils got a grade 5 or above in English and maths, compared with 55.8% of pupils without special education needs

  • 33.1% of pupils from the Chinese ethnic group got a grade 5 or above – the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups

  • 15.9% of black pupils got a grade 5 or above – the lowest percentage

7. By ethnicity and local authority

Percentage of pupils getting a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths, and total number of pupils, by ethnicity and local authority
All Asian Black Chinese Mixed White Other Unknown
Geography All % All Pupils Asian % Asian Pupils Black % Black Pupils Chinese % Chinese Pupils Mixed % Mixed Pupils White % White Pupils Other % Other Pupils Unknown % Unknown Pupils
All- England 50.0 585,201 62.1 66,113 49.8 35,754 81.6 2,375 50.0 33,926 48.0 424,649 54.0 11,504 42.5 10,880
Barking and Dagenham 50.6 2,807 65.5 646 50.4 782 80.0 10 44.8 391 41.0 873 54.5 44 62.3 61
Barnet 66.8 4,265 87.1 619 51.9 503 87.1 62 65.2 457 66.1 2,053 59.1 469 62.7 102
Barnsley 45.3 2,420 47.1 17 45.5 11 NA NA 54.5 66 46.4 2,235 50.0 10 6.2 81
Bath and North East Somerset 57.0 2,245 65.5 29 33.3 18 75.0 4 44.3 115 58.0 1,978 66.7 9 50.0 92
Bedford 45.6 2,152 48.3 333 44.9 147 80.0 5 39.4 198 46.0 1,422 52.2 23 25.0 24
Bexley 54.6 3,215 81.3 268 64.8 681 97.1 34 59.6 240 45.9 1,882 61.4 57 37.7 53
Birmingham 50.9 14,297 56.1 5,657 45.2 1,862 83.3 72 46.7 1,223 47.7 4,256 54.4 745 39.8 482
Blackburn with Darwen 46.8 2,048 56.5 929 50.0 30 75.0 4 42.0 88 37.8 952 44.1 34 27.3 11
Blackpool 31.1 1,181 59.3 27 28.6 7 50.0 8 30.0 40 30.3 1,084 28.6 7 37.5 8
Bolton 47.2 3,779 58.9 913 39.7 239 69.2 13 43.8 153 43.6 2,377 46.2 65 31.6 19
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole 58.9 3,673 83.6 110 76.2 21 88.2 17 63.3 207 58.0 3,222 46.3 54 40.5 42
Bracknell Forest 47.5 1,222 57.4 54 40.5 42 100.0 7 50.0 66 46.9 1,041 33.3 6 33.3 6
Bradford 41.2 6,810 46.0 3,037 42.8 138 83.3 6 37.0 362 36.4 3,047 55.3 94 38.9 126
Brent 56.7 3,136 59.5 969 51.8 662 60.0 5 47.0 232 62.6 815 52.3 331 50.8 122
Brighton and Hove 56.4 2,289 62.2 74 40.0 40 73.7 19 59.8 194 56.0 1,853 46.6 73 72.2 36
Bristol, City of 48.3 3,726 60.8 316 42.2 415 81.8 11 50.0 332 47.6 2,525 38.1 42 45.9 85
Bromley 59.8 3,578 86.3 270 59.4 431 93.8 32 54.5 363 57.3 2,316 63.0 46 55.0 120
Buckinghamshire 64.4 6,116 72.8 1,272 63.2 204 93.5 31 56.7 441 62.6 3,995 66.0 50 55.3 123
Bury 45.1 2,188 54.2 321 48.1 79 80.0 5 42.6 122 43.2 1,612 40.7 27 45.5 22
Calderdale 50.9 2,815 54.1 505 62.5 32 100.0 5 47.8 134 50.0 2,111 75.0 12 37.5 16
Cambridgeshire 53.8 5,987 65.2 207 52.2 92 85.4 41 58.9 333 52.5 5,099 63.6 44 61.4 171
Camden 58.6 1,557 57.6 304 53.4 335 100.0 6 52.1 169 61.7 564 66.4 140 59.0 39
Central Bedfordshire 44.6 2,808 60.0 55 43.2 88 100.0 3 38.5 179 44.7 2,420 54.5 11 42.3 52
Cheshire East 51.8 4,000 65.2 66 43.5 23 82.6 23 48.4 155 51.6 3,674 38.1 21 60.5 38
Cheshire West and Chester 47.9 3,691 71.2 52 53.3 15 80.0 20 48.4 95 47.2 3,459 58.3 12 57.9 38
Cornwall 43.1 5,512 45.0 20 75.0 4 71.4 7 45.1 142 42.9 5,258 23.1 13 54.4 68
County Durham 45.2 5,281 67.6 34 43.8 16 93.3 15 56.1 66 45.7 4,969 30.8 26 15.5 155
Coventry 46.6 3,813 62.9 727 47.0 568 90.0 10 43.5 232 41.3 2,169 54.1 61 32.6 46
Croydon 48.9 3,697 63.2 527 41.7 1,151 71.4 14 45.7 494 51.3 1,296 43.6 140 41.3 75
Cumbria 46.4 5,188 72.4 29 53.8 13 54.5 11 53.3 92 46.5 4,919 35.0 20 27.9 104
Darlington 46.5 1,180 63.6 44 60.0 10 100.0 4 66.7 24 45.0 1,080 50.0 6 50.0 12
Derby 41.8 3,047 48.9 597 40.4 136 77.8 9 42.6 190 39.2 2,015 56.3 48 42.3 52
Derbyshire 47.5 7,792 68.5 89 51.2 43 84.2 19 49.4 257 47.2 7,297 31.3 16 39.4 71
Devon 48.9 7,209 71.4 56 58.8 17 80.0 15 45.5 156 48.6 6,786 54.0 50 51.9 129
Doncaster 44.6 3,248 55.9 102 39.6 48 77.8 9 44.4 90 44.4 2,926 28.6 42 45.2 31
Dorset 45.1 3,636 69.4 36 70.0 10 71.4 7 56.0 100 44.5 3,409 33.3 6 42.6 68
Dudley 45.5 3,456 53.1 358 43.2 118 72.7 11 37.3 244 45.7 2,601 33.3 75 40.8 49
Ealing 61.4 3,229 65.8 993 51.0 527 91.7 12 58.0 274 66.0 821 56.7 540 67.7 62
East Riding of Yorkshire 47.2 3,237 69.2 13 45.5 11 100.0 2 55.6 72 47.1 3,093 50.0 12 32.4 34
East Sussex 46.3 5,026 65.5 84 45.5 33 80.0 10 55.0 229 45.6 4,535 41.9 31 43.3 104
Enfield 50.2 3,786 71.0 345 43.8 937 88.2 17 53.3 390 47.9 1,792 56.4 218 46.0 87
Essex 48.0 15,643 80.8 504 57.6 621 73.3 60 49.9 708 46.0 13,107 65.5 113 44.0 530
Gateshead 53.6 2,035 63.2 76 57.8 45 91.7 12 67.4 46 52.9 1,742 39.4 33 49.4 81
Gloucestershire 56.0 6,621 80.4 280 51.4 105 87.0 23 52.2 295 55.0 5,753 53.7 41 53.2 124
Greenwich 51.9 2,740 65.9 217 53.1 894 76.2 21 48.0 331 47.9 1,148 61.9 84 57.8 45
Hackney 55.8 2,431 64.7 255 48.4 920 90.5 21 47.0 247 63.0 795 57.9 159 55.9 34
Halton 44.3 1,579 60.0 5 50.0 2 100.0 1 54.5 44 43.6 1,488 25.0 4 57.1 35
Hammersmith and Fulham 66.1 1,453 68.1 119 59.0 290 37.5 8 59.6 178 72.1 603 66.3 187 60.3 68
Hampshire 50.6 13,480 70.3 401 50.6 170 80.5 41 53.8 552 49.7 12,171 56.7 67 47.4 78
Haringey 52.3 2,515 69.5 154 40.6 604 72.2 18 52.4 319 56.9 1,147 47.9 192 46.9 81
Harrow 58.7 2,506 71.6 1,116 43.7 325 75.0 12 51.0 204 50.8 604 44.4 205 50.0 40
Hartlepool 42.3 1,091 52.6 19 87.5 8 85.7 7 27.3 11 41.9 1,037 0.0 7 50.0 2
Havering 52.9 2,806 67.7 186 58.8 340 81.3 16 52.1 215 50.6 1,988 42.9 21 45.0 40
Herefordshire, County of 46.0 1,768 80.0 10 0.0 2 100.0 1 62.5 40 45.5 1,697 50.0 8 40.0 10
Hertfordshire 57.4 13,855 74.4 1,147 53.3 706 85.3 68 55.2 1,045 55.9 10,528 55.6 153 59.1 208
Hillingdon 56.0 3,417 70.0 933 52.5 417 66.7 6 51.6 366 46.7 1,325 62.3 318 61.5 52
Hounslow 58.5 3,026 65.7 977 60.1 361 0.0 2 55.0 329 53.1 931 62.6 337 28.1 89
Isle of Wight 39.6 1,241 42.9 7 60.0 5 100.0 1 35.0 40 39.5 1,165 60.0 5 44.4 18
Isles of Scilly 66.7 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66.7 15 NA NA NA NA
Islington 52.7 1,496 69.8 162 48.1 443 100.0 5 48.8 207 50.6 563 63.7 102 42.9 14
Kensington and Chelsea 64.6 908 81.5 27 65.2 187 66.7 3 60.4 159 65.7 324 64.4 180 57.1 28
Kent 49.9 17,254 79.8 806 71.4 588 88.5 61 57.2 994 46.9 14,311 58.4 166 35.4 328
Kingston upon Hull, City of 42.0 2,846 63.6 33 47.4 57 0.0 1 59.4 106 42.3 2,412 48.4 62 18.9 175
Kingston upon Thames 68.9 1,782 76.7 443 50.8 65 92.6 27 74.1 193 64.2 897 67.0 112 80.0 45
Kirklees 49.9 5,028 52.8 1,406 31.5 111 87.0 23 34.8 302 50.6 3,096 35.6 45 51.1 45
Knowsley 26.4 1,198 66.7 6 22.2 9 NA NA 26.9 26 26.0 1,127 40.0 10 30.0 20
Lambeth 47.3 2,356 59.3 113 44.8 1,101 72.7 11 45.3 278 50.4 603 48.3 178 41.7 72
Lancashire 48.0 13,083 54.3 1,584 51.5 68 91.7 36 49.3 426 46.9 10,740 34.7 49 45.0 180
Leeds 51.3 8,768 56.4 1,063 46.1 648 86.8 38 49.8 633 51.8 6,021 56.7 134 24.2 231
Leicester 44.7 4,139 56.2 1,985 42.9 478 83.3 6 37.7 284 29.3 1,246 32.5 83 43.9 57
Leicestershire 50.8 7,542 71.5 615 54.3 127 78.3 23 51.4 333 48.4 6,339 62.9 35 62.9 70
Lewisham 46.7 2,197 63.2 114 42.8 895 69.2 26 46.9 326 46.3 672 53.4 88 53.9 76
Lincolnshire 47.4 8,051 86.9 176 55.4 56 93.1 29 61.6 263 45.7 7,394 56.3 32 40.6 101
Liverpool 43.6 5,198 74.3 202 48.8 240 83.7 43 47.0 353 41.3 4,052 40.4 260 35.4 48
Luton 46.1 2,869 54.1 1,361 40.7 317 75.0 4 37.7 223 37.2 870 50.8 63 48.4 31
Manchester 46.1 6,268 56.1 1,604 45.4 1,217 75.5 53 38.5 522 40.0 2,294 49.6 456 42.6 122
Medway 47.7 3,349 80.7 202 76.5 340 90.9 11 52.9 189 40.7 2,532 55.2 29 37.0 46
Merton 57.1 1,568 65.8 284 47.8 289 87.5 8 45.4 194 60.3 708 55.4 56 58.6 29
Middlesbrough 38.9 1,603 50.3 195 40.0 30 100.0 2 40.0 70 36.3 1,231 59.6 52 26.1 23
Milton Keynes 46.8 3,242 64.6 353 48.9 499 50.0 14 52.5 282 41.8 1,985 65.8 38 50.7 71
Newcastle upon Tyne 46.3 2,676 59.3 337 39.0 146 88.0 25 52.1 119 43.4 1,950 54.7 75 37.5 24
Newham 59.2 4,377 68.1 2,089 54.0 999 73.3 15 51.5 299 45.5 685 53.1 239 49.0 51
Norfolk 46.3 8,173 68.8 112 46.4 110 69.7 33 48.1 283 45.8 7,357 40.0 40 48.3 238
North East Lincolnshire 36.8 1,839 60.0 10 75.0 4 100.0 2 44.4 27 39.7 1,607 35.7 14 5.7 175
North Lincolnshire 42.7 1,962 54.5 66 18.2 11 100.0 3 41.7 48 42.5 1,820 14.3 7 42.9 7
North Northamptonshire 43.0 3,800 64.0 150 48.3 176 90.0 10 39.8 166 42.0 3,249 26.9 26 34.8 23
North Somerset 48.3 2,259 48.5 33 52.9 34 100.0 8 52.5 80 48.1 2,076 33.3 6 31.8 22
North Tyneside 48.5 2,177 61.2 49 50.0 14 75.0 12 46.4 56 48.1 2,013 38.5 13 45.0 20
North Yorkshire 53.8 6,340 78.3 175 65.5 29 66.7 9 60.2 176 52.9 5,855 40.0 25 47.9 71
Northumberland 45.9 3,219 55.6 54 50.0 6 80.0 5 57.1 56 45.5 3,075 57.1 7 31.3 16
Nottingham 41.3 3,009 55.0 547 39.1 384 71.4 14 37.5 384 36.5 1,459 54.5 77 43.1 144
Nottinghamshire 50.9 8,595 64.8 250 48.6 175 78.7 47 48.3 404 50.5 7,520 66.7 48 41.1 151
Oldham 43.3 3,330 47.0 1,096 51.4 144 66.7 9 37.6 157 41.3 1,827 35.7 28 34.8 69
Oxfordshire 52.9 6,648 57.6 368 43.8 208 80.0 15 50.0 448 53.1 5,329 61.2 116 47.0 164
Peterborough 43.0 2,645 46.6 457 45.5 121 100.0 4 42.1 183 41.9 1,789 35.3 17 44.6 74
Plymouth 46.0 2,743 83.3 24 42.3 26 87.5 16 58.9 73 45.2 2,538 54.5 33 33.3 33
Portsmouth 41.3 1,917 62.6 123 58.2 67 58.3 12 48.9 90 38.3 1,559 39.0 41 48.0 25
Reading 51.4 1,420 67.3 379 37.2 121 91.7 12 40.1 147 46.6 697 58.1 31 51.5 33
Redbridge 65.2 3,824 73.1 2,079 53.7 445 85.2 27 52.7 300 57.4 856 56.7 67 54.0 50
Redcar and Cleveland 48.9 1,667 56.3 16 33.3 3 100.0 1 63.0 27 49.4 1,550 40.0 10 28.3 60
Richmond upon Thames 67.8 1,773 70.9 151 45.6 79 72.2 18 65.2 210 70.0 1,175 67.8 59 58.0 81
Rochdale 40.9 2,627 44.9 661 43.4 145 66.7 6 48.0 123 38.6 1,641 30.8 26 36.0 25
Rotherham 44.9 3,347 49.0 302 43.8 64 77.8 9 49.5 103 44.6 2,807 33.3 27 22.9 35
Rutland 64.5 493 75.0 4 57.1 7 100.0 1 81.8 11 63.8 467 NA NA 100.0 3
Salford 40.3 2,394 54.7 53 52.4 164 60.0 10 48.9 180 37.5 1,891 57.7 71 24.0 25
Sandwell 41.3 4,189 54.3 1,262 35.5 425 100.0 5 39.0 356 34.7 1,924 45.3 75 35.9 142
Sefton 44.1 3,013 68.8 32 60.0 25 71.4 7 45.5 77 45.1 2,730 50.0 24 9.3 118
Sheffield 47.2 5,617 50.4 629 45.5 391 83.9 31 41.7 446 47.8 3,836 43.2 199 32.9 85
Shropshire 44.8 2,841 56.7 30 27.3 11 66.7 6 47.4 78 44.9 2,633 28.6 7 36.8 76
Slough 63.5 2,273 72.2 1,198 56.3 199 100.0 3 59.5 195 48.2 548 67.8 90 57.5 40
Solihull 52.5 3,186 64.6 427 44.8 125 77.8 27 43.4 249 51.3 2,292 63.6 22 52.3 44
Somerset 45.4 5,117 67.2 61 43.5 23 62.5 8 53.0 134 45.1 4,827 33.3 18 32.6 46
South Gloucestershire 48.3 2,609 64.8 91 43.3 67 80.0 10 47.6 126 48.1 2,270 33.3 21 20.8 24
South Tyneside 39.2 1,706 57.5 73 50.0 16 100.0 2 57.9 38 41.1 1,408 54.5 11 7.0 158
Southampton 42.1 2,312 59.9 267 53.8 80 83.3 12 51.4 140 37.6 1,760 65.8 38 20.0 15
Southend-on-Sea 63.4 2,233 88.7 247 82.6 218 92.9 14 66.7 120 56.4 1,587 87.5 16 45.2 31
Southwark 59.0 2,961 74.5 149 55.9 1,315 82.8 29 55.2 335 62.2 796 54.7 232 67.6 105
St. Helens 44.1 1,993 80.0 25 40.0 10 100.0 4 42.4 33 43.4 1,893 16.7 6 63.6 22
Staffordshire 45.5 8,914 50.1 389 34.9 83 75.0 20 46.9 294 45.3 7,962 32.1 28 44.9 138
Stockport 52.0 2,963 65.0 206 44.2 43 86.7 15 48.6 185 51.1 2,446 57.6 33 42.9 35
Stockton-on-Tees 52.9 2,241 58.4 137 71.4 28 87.5 8 47.4 57 52.3 1,997 42.9 7 42.9 7
Stoke-on-Trent 38.2 2,595 44.6 435 50.9 114 81.8 11 42.9 133 35.6 1,842 27.8 54 33.3 6
Suffolk 46.2 7,402 63.6 121 44.0 75 80.0 5 46.6 352 46.0 6,539 48.1 52 40.7 258
Sunderland 42.7 2,895 62.6 99 57.1 21 85.7 7 40.9 44 41.9 2,703 40.0 10 18.2 11
Surrey 58.1 11,080 68.6 758 50.6 261 78.0 50 58.2 737 57.4 8,999 57.5 106 54.4 169
Sutton 69.3 3,118 88.8 828 64.7 320 87.5 56 70.4 318 58.4 1,489 71.0 62 68.9 45
Swindon 46.9 2,252 54.0 291 54.4 57 50.0 4 43.3 134 45.7 1,703 50.0 38 44.0 25
Tameside 44.2 2,744 48.0 342 46.1 89 93.3 15 39.2 148 43.6 2,091 28.6 35 62.5 24
Telford and Wrekin 43.2 2,158 61.4 184 39.4 99 90.9 11 37.7 106 41.4 1,735 50.0 6 47.1 17
Thurrock 45.2 1,971 64.5 110 61.5 234 100.0 10 50.6 158 39.9 1,392 68.8 16 39.2 51
Torbay 52.3 1,555 85.7 21 25.0 4 100.0 4 58.8 51 52.3 1,370 75.0 8 39.2 97
Tower Hamlets 54.5 3,088 60.0 2,038 49.0 359 70.6 17 44.5 173 42.9 326 59.7 62 17.7 113
Trafford 64.2 3,248 79.3 532 66.4 134 80.4 56 58.1 258 60.8 2,168 68.3 63 48.6 37
Wakefield 50.7 3,811 50.0 178 49.2 61 77.8 9 48.2 112 51.1 3,364 54.5 22 33.8 65
Walsall 44.0 3,657 60.0 832 49.1 214 75.0 12 39.9 268 38.0 2,250 51.1 45 27.8 36
Waltham Forest 50.2 2,747 61.8 754 39.1 619 79.2 24 42.3 281 49.1 926 53.9 128 53.3 15
Wandsworth 61.0 1,975 68.8 369 53.5 505 75.0 8 49.6 254 67.0 682 55.0 120 67.6 37
Warrington 54.2 2,410 73.3 60 64.3 14 66.7 12 53.3 75 53.5 2,192 68.8 32 44.0 25
Warwickshire 52.6 6,212 80.7 393 53.1 81 89.5 19 54.4 320 50.5 5,255 46.5 43 42.6 101
West Berkshire 55.0 1,886 72.6 73 50.0 46 57.1 7 61.5 104 54.0 1,634 50.0 10 58.3 12
West Northamptonshire 48.3 4,608 60.4 260 49.5 311 84.0 25 47.2 299 47.0 3,601 60.7 28 48.8 84
West Sussex 48.8 8,454 63.8 392 39.4 132 72.7 22 48.4 415 48.2 7,313 48.1 54 42.1 126
Westminster 66.0 1,801 74.9 227 58.8 442 94.1 17 63.1 157 71.1 425 63.3 479 72.2 54
Wigan 47.3 3,705 65.8 38 50.0 70 54.5 11 59.3 86 46.9 3,447 42.4 33 25.0 20
Wiltshire 48.6 4,993 75.0 112 38.6 57 88.2 17 46.5 170 48.1 4,503 62.5 40 40.4 94
Windsor and Maidenhead 55.1 1,632 63.6 220 53.3 30 75.0 4 54.9 144 53.7 1,185 52.0 25 50.0 24
Wirral 47.4 3,652 74.1 112 72.7 22 72.7 11 55.2 105 46.0 3,378 61.5 13 54.5 11
Wokingham 62.0 1,898 74.9 223 64.0 75 73.7 19 55.3 150 60.6 1,379 46.7 15 56.8 37
Wolverhampton 45.1 3,218 59.6 819 40.7 383 75.0 12 37.3 354 40.2 1,578 46.0 50 40.9 22
Worcestershire 47.6 5,798 54.0 200 47.1 51 87.5 8 46.2 208 47.3 5,231 48.0 25 49.3 75
York 56.1 1,907 80.0 40 50.0 14 72.7 11 71.2 59 55.0 1,756 33.3 6 61.9 21

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and local authority’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and local authority’ (CSV)

Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity and local authority Summary

The summary only includes data based on pupil numbers high enough to make reliable generalisations.

Data for the 2021 to 2022 school year shows that:

  • 69.3% of pupils in Sutton (in London) got a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths – the highest percentage out of all local authorities in England

  • 26.4% of pupils in Knowsley got a grade 5 or above – the lowest percentage

  • Hammersmith and Fulham had the highest percentage of white pupils getting a grade 5 or above (72.1%), followed by Westminster (71.1%) – Knowsley had the lowest percentage (26.0%)

  • Hartlepool had the highest percentage of black pupils getting a grade 5 or above (87.5%), followed by Southend-on-Sea (82.6%)

  • Sutton had the highest percentage of Asian pupils getting a grade 5 or above (88.8%), followed by Southend-on-Sea (88.7%)

  • Rutland had the highest percentage of pupils from the mixed ethnic group getting a grade 5 or above (81.8%)

8. Data sources


Type of data

Administrative data

Type of statistic

National Statistics


Department for Education

Publication frequency


Purpose of data source

The data is collected to help measure the performance of pupils and schools at GCSE level (key stage 4).

9. Download the data

GCSE Maths and English_England data (2021/22) - Spreadsheet (csv) 196 KB

This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, ethnicity_type, time, time_type, geography, geography_type, geography_code, gender, FSM, SEN_type, SEN_grouping, admission_type, school_characteristic, religious_denomination, value (%), value_type, denominator and numerator

GCSE English and Maths - Local Authority Data (England) - 2021/22 - Spreadsheet (csv) 745 KB

This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, ethnicity_type, year, geography, geography_type, geography_code, gender, age (14-16), value (%), value_type, denominator and numerator