GCSE English and maths results


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1. Main facts and figures

  • in 2017/18, pupils from the Chinese ethnic group were the most likely to get a ‘strong pass’ (grade 5 or above) in GCSE English and maths
  • White Gypsy/Roma pupils were the least likely to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths
  • in every ethnic group, girls were more likely than boys to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths
  • in every ethnic group, pupils eligible for free school meals were less likely to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths than those not eligible
  • White Gypsy/Roma pupils who were eligible for free school meals were the least likely out of all groups to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths, with 2.9% of both boys and girls doing so
Things you need to know

In 2017/18, 523,626 pupils were entered for GCSEs in state-funded mainstream schools. Ethnicity was known for 516,460 (99%) of them.

Of the students for whom ethnicity was known 77% were White, 11% were Asian, 6% were Black, 5% had mixed ethnicities, 1.7% were in other ethnic groups and 0.4% were chinese.

Some of the statistics quoted here are based on very small numbers of pupils and can change a lot from year to year. For example, only 107 pupils in the Chinese ethnic group were eligible for free school meals in 2017/18.

The data shows that a lower percentage of Traveller of Irish Heritage pupils got a strong pass in GCSE English and maths. However, this is based 111 pupils taking GCSEs in 2017/18. This was a much smaller number than for other ethnic groups. Therefore, it isn’t possible to make reliable generalisations about Traveller of Irish Heritage pupils or compare them with other ethnic groups.

Schools can ask for a pupil to be removed from their performance results if the pupil:

  • arrived recently from overseas and their first language isn’t English
  • was admitted following a permanent exclusion from another school
  • was not at the end of key stage 4
  • left England to live abroad
  • died

Pupils removed from a school’s performance results may still be included in national figures.

Some information about local authorities may be different to last year due to changes in suppression rules. (Suppression is where some data is excluded, for example if the size of the ethnic group population is small enough that an individual’s identity could be revealed.)

Local authority data doesn’t include figures for pupils in the ‘Other’ ethnic group. Instead, these pupils are included in the ‘All’ category, which also includes pupils for whom ethnicity wasn’t known.

Local authorities who have not reported any data will not appear in the accompanying data files.

What the data measures

This data measures the percentage of pupils within each ethnic group who got a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths.

The Department for Education recognises a grade 5 and above in English and maths as a ‘strong pass’. A grade 4 is considered a ‘standard pass’, similar to the old grade C.

Data is also analysed by factors including gender, eligibility for free school meals, and local authority area.

The data covers the academic year 2017/18 (September 2017 to July 2018).

For the ‘By ethnicity and type of school’ table, schools are divided into the following 9 categories:

  • local authority-maintained mainstream schools
  • academies and free schools
  • converter academies
  • free schools
  • further education colleges with provision for 14 to 16-year-olds
  • sponsored academies
  • state-funded special schools
  • studio schools
  • university technical colleges

There are also 2 categories which group several school types together:

  • all state-funded schools (includes local authority-maintained schools, academies, free schools, city technology colleges and state-funded special schools)
  • all state-funded mainstream schools (as above but excludes state-funded special schools)

Find more on types of school on pages 30 and 31 of Revised GCSE and equivalent results in England 2017 to 2018: Quality and methodology information (PDF opens in a new window or tab) (PDF).

The ethnic categories used in this data

This data uses categories from the Department for Education’s school census, which is broadly based on the 2001 national Census, with 3 exceptions:

  • Traveller of Irish Heritage and Gypsy/Roma children have been separated into 2 categories
  • Sri Lankan is included in the Asian/Asian British group but is not reported separately
  • Chinese pupils have been assigned a separate category from Asian

These changes were made after consulting local authorities and lobby groups.

Data is reported for 6 broad and 16 specific ethnic groups. These are:

Asian/Asian British:

  • Indian
  • Pakistani
  • Bangladeshi
  • Other Asian background

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British:

  • Black African
  • Black Caribbean
  • Other Black background

Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups:

  • White and Black Caribbean
  • White and Black African
  • White and Asian
  • Other Mixed background


  • White British
  • White Irish
  • Traveller of Irish Heritage
  • Gypsy/Roma
  • Other White


Other ethnic group

Some data is shown only for 5 or 6 broad ethnic groups.

The 6 broad groups are:

  • Asian/Asian British
  • Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
  • Chinese
  • Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups
  • White
  • Other ethnic group

The Other ethnic group isn’t included in data analysed by local authority area, basis for school admission, school type, special educational needs, and religion of school because DfE does not publish this data.

2. By ethnicity

Percentage of pupils getting a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths GCSE by ethnicity
Ethnicity % Pupils
All 43.3 523,626
Asian 50.2 55,737
Bangladeshi 49.1 9,384
Indian 62.0 14,575
Pakistani 40.1 22,840
Asian other 58.3 8,938
Black 38.8 28,949
Black African 44.3 18,358
Black Caribbean 26.9 6,933
Black other 33.2 3,658
Chinese 75.3 1,875
Mixed 43.7 24,646
Mixed White/Asian 54.8 5,537
Mixed White/Black African 41.1 2,936
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 31.4 7,093
Mixed other 47.4 9,080
White 42.6 396,680
White British 42.7 367,680
White Irish 55.8 1,646
Gypsy/Roma 5.3 1,107
Irish Traveller 9.9 111
White other 42.0 26,136
Other 43.8 8,573
Unknown 34.0 7,166

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Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity Summary

The data shows that:

  • in 2017/18, 43.3% of all pupils got a ‘strong pass’ (grade 5 or above) in GCSE English and maths
  • 75.3% of pupils from the Chinese ethnic group got a strong pass in GCSE English and maths, the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups
  • 5.3% of White Gypsy/Roma pupils and 9.9% of Traveller of Irish Heritage pupils got a strong pass in GCSE English and maths, the lowest percentages out of all ethnic groups

3. By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals

Percentage of pupils getting a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths GCSE, by ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals
Free school meals No free school meals
Ethnicity Free school meals % Free school meals Pupils No free school meals % No free school meals Pupils
All 21.6 66,365 46.4 457,261
Asian 35.2 8,610 53.0 47,127
Bangladeshi 38.9 2,256 52.4 7,128
Indian 43.1 957 63.4 13,618
Pakistani 30.6 4,364 42.3 18,476
Asian other 38.9 1,033 60.8 7,905
Black 27.7 5,912 41.6 23,037
Black African 33.7 3,639 46.9 14,719
Black Caribbean 15.7 1,531 30.1 5,402
Black other 22.4 742 35.9 2,916
Chinese 67.3 107 75.7 1,768
Mixed 24.4 4,396 47.9 20,250
Mixed White/Asian 27.8 709 58.7 4,828
Mixed White/Black African 28.1 558 44.2 2,378
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 18.8 1,614 35.1 5,479
Mixed other 27.5 1,515 51.4 7,565
White 17.2 44,327 45.8 352,353
White British 16.7 41,457 46.0 326,223
White Irish 24.5 188 59.9 1,458
Gypsy/Roma 2.9 344 6.4 763
Irish Traveller 6.0 67 15.9 44
White other 29.2 2,271 43.2 23,865
Other 35.9 1,980 46.2 6,593
Unknown 18.3 1,033 36.7 6,133

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals’ (CSV)

Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity and eligibility for free school meals Summary

Eligibility for free school meals (FSM) is used as an indicator of deprivation by the Department for Education.

The data shows that:

  • in 2017/18, 21.6% of FSM-eligible pupils got a strong pass in GCSE English and maths, while 46.4% of those not eligible did so
  • in every ethnic group, FSM-eligible pupils were less likely to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths than those not eligible
  • out of the 6 broad ethnic groups, pupils from the Chinese ethnic group had the highest percentage of FSM-eligible pupils getting a strong pass in GCSE English and maths (67.3%)
  • White FSM-eligible pupils were the least likely to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths (17.2%)
  • the biggest gap between FSM-eligible pupils and those not eligible was in the White Irish ethnic group, with 24.5% and 59.9% respectively getting a strong pass in GCSE English and maths (a 35.4 percentage point gap)

4. By ethnicity and area

Percentage of pupils getting a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths, by ethnicity and area
All Asian Black Chinese Mixed White
Geography All % All Pupils Asian % Asian Pupils Black % Black Pupils Chinese % Chinese Pupils Mixed % Mixed Pupils White % White Pupils
All - England 43.5 521,202 50.7 55,183 39.2 28,609 75.9 1,856 43.9 24,531 42.7 395,716
Barking and Dagenham 40.4 2,199 55.7 449 42.2 619 100.0 2 30.7 127 32.7 921
Barnet 60.8 3,810 81.2 532 46.1 497 84.1 44 58.9 409 59.6 1,914
Barnsley 39.2 2,011 50.0 8 21.4 14 N/A* 0 42.9 35 39.2 1,940
Bath and North East Somerset 47.6 2,074 52.2 23 29.2 24 100.0 5 48.9 94 48.5 1,868
Bedford 40.4 1,832 39.0 269 47.3 91 100.0 1 30.9 152 41.5 1,281
Bexley 51.3 3,032 70.7 232 61.9 620 78.8 33 44.3 194 45.8 1,901
Birmingham 40.1 12,166 40.5 5,017 34.5 1,489 92.9 42 37.5 864 42.4 3,992
Blackburn with Darwen 41.4 1,830 51.1 838 23.1 13 66.7 3 44.4 45 32.6 913
Blackpool 26.6 1,136 31.8 22 20.0 5 66.7 3 39.1 23 26.0 1,078
Bolton 39.8 3,251 49.7 698 37.7 146 80.0 5 32.1 109 37.2 2,238
Bournemouth 53.2 1,512 63.4 41 42.9 7 78.6 14 55.4 74 53.0 1,328
Bracknell Forest 45.2 1,043 54.2 59 33.3 21 0.0 1 58.5 41 44.2 911
Bradford 36.2 5,941 37.8 2,727 30.8 104 100.0 3 27.5 244 35.7 2,715
Brent 50.9 2,858 55.4 897 40.4 675 100.0 3 51.7 178 44.7 494
Brighton and Hove 46.7 2,169 47.4 57 25.9 58 53.8 13 47.1 191 47.2 1,775
Bristol, City of 41.0 3,109 44.4 261 29.6 345 76.9 13 39.9 248 42.3 2,167
Bromley 49.5 3,214 83.1 166 48.0 306 93.9 33 49.1 269 48.4 2,270
Buckinghamshire 60.8 5,665 64.2 1,021 58.3 187 83.3 18 59.6 327 59.8 4,015
Bury 39.4 2,113 38.1 307 17.4 46 62.5 8 30.9 97 40.4 1,618
Calderdale 47.9 2,410 45.6 384 30.8 26 75.0 4 42.5 73 48.8 1,909
Cambridgeshire 46.1 5,491 56.7 157 32.8 61 79.2 24 54.6 227 45.8 4,858
Camden 47.1 1,533 46.4 274 38.5 358 63.6 11 40.9 181 54.6 546
Central Bedfordshire 41.5 2,579 60.0 50 42.9 56 66.7 9 32.5 114 41.5 2,301
Cheshire East 47.9 3,537 55.7 61 41.7 12 87.5 8 41.2 85 47.9 3,328
Cheshire West and Chester 40.8 3,298 46.7 30 25.0 12 50.0 10 39.0 59 40.8 3,161
City of London N/A* 0 N/A* 0 N/A* 0 N/A* 0 N/A* 0 N/A* 0
Cornwall 38.7 5,117 50.0 16 60.0 5 33.3 6 42.7 82 38.6 4,940
County Durham 39.2 4,614 53.1 32 54.5 11 83.3 6 42.9 49 39.3 4,434
Coventry 37.5 3,377 47.2 687 34.3 335 50.0 6 32.8 192 35.5 2,105
Croydon 42.4 3,452 53.2 472 37.7 998 92.3 13 41.3 499 44.6 1,268
Cumbria 43.3 4,689 66.7 30 46.7 15 86.7 15 50.8 59 43.2 4,407
Darlington 44.9 1,097 43.8 32 60.0 5 50.0 4 62.5 32 44.3 1,008
Derby 38.2 2,747 45.6 487 33.3 96 58.3 12 38.5 174 36.7 1,925
Derbyshire 42.7 7,069 57.1 70 37.0 27 83.3 12 41.5 171 42.6 6,739
Devon 41.0 6,559 47.8 23 20.0 5 84.6 13 43.1 109 41.1 6,179
Doncaster 37.4 2,903 40.0 95 29.6 27 40.0 5 45.6 68 37.1 2,677
Dorset 43.8 3,989 64.3 28 42.9 7 50.0 12 50.6 79 43.5 3,827
Dudley 36.7 3,283 43.4 302 23.2 82 75.0 4 30.9 181 37.1 2,643
Ealing 52.2 2,853 56.4 824 40.1 563 90.9 11 56.3 222 55.3 837
East Riding of Yorkshire 46.3 3,151 85.7 7 0.0 3 66.7 3 55.2 58 45.9 3,032
East Sussex 41.4 4,665 58.8 80 40.0 25 66.7 12 47.5 183 41.1 4,274
Enfield 41.6 3,414 64.9 299 36.5 852 82.4 17 45.2 336 38.9 1,619
Essex 41.0 14,040 68.4 380 51.1 440 80.5 41 43.2 546 39.6 12,382
Gateshead 42.9 1,885 50.0 44 38.1 21 80.0 5 50.0 20 42.5 1,729
Gloucestershire 47.3 6,006 58.0 176 35.2 71 60.0 15 48.1 231 47.2 5,417
Greenwich 39.4 2,269 46.2 197 39.9 747 62.5 16 40.1 227 37.3 1,011
Hackney 46.7 2,058 52.7 258 40.1 758 44.4 9 41.9 172 53.2 713
Halton 32.3 1,333 50.0 4 N/A* 0 0.0 1 51.6 31 31.7 1,281
Hammersmith and Fulham 54.8 1,291 51.8 114 40.3 315 83.3 12 49.2 126 64.2 567
Hampshire 45.2 12,497 53.6 319 39.0 123 64.9 37 49.5 323 44.8 11,536
Haringey 42.6 2,190 52.5 158 29.2 566 77.8 9 48.2 222 47.7 1,021
Harrow 51.2 2,044 62.5 912 40.8 311 62.5 8 49.7 167 40.8 507
Hartlepool 37.8 1,016 64.0 25 25.0 4 0.0 1 47.1 17 37.2 966
Havering 44.2 2,774 56.8 146 46.7 366 85.7 7 47.6 143 42.3 2,025
Herefordshire, County of 42.7 1,644 57.1 7 0.0 3 50.0 2 35.1 37 43.0 1,580
Hertfordshire 53.1 12,372 67.9 947 44.9 532 81.5 65 54.8 797 51.8 9,820
Hillingdon 47.7 3,064 61.4 715 41.2 345 50.0 4 49.0 339 41.1 1,410
Hounslow 49.2 2,666 59.6 805 43.4 346 100.0 3 45.1 237 46.8 915
Isle of Wight 33.3 1,070 60.0 5 50.0 2 N/A* 0 46.7 15 33.0 1,042
Isles of Scilly 80.0 15 N/A* 0 N/A* 0 N/A* 0 100.0 1 76.9 13
Islington 44.2 1,404 56.4 179 37.4 406 77.8 9 38.1 181 45.7 484
Kensington and Chelsea 53.8 718 61.0 41 41.3 121 100.0 2 55.5 119 62.3 260
Kent 44.2 15,516 70.1 581 61.3 393 77.2 57 52.8 716 42.0 13,479
Kingston upon Hull, City of 32.9 2,307 52.9 34 33.3 36 100.0 2 40.0 55 33.6 2,036
Kingston upon Thames 64.2 1,515 77.9 384 43.4 76 91.7 12 59.0 134 60.2 841
Kirklees 42.5 4,488 41.3 1,235 25.0 80 73.3 15 33.1 254 44.5 2,861
Knowsley 21.0 929 25.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 12 21.6 900
Lambeth 39.3 2,114 61.5 96 35.6 1,012 68.8 16 41.1 258 42.4 540
Lancashire 44.2 11,631 43.8 1,347 36.6 41 86.1 36 44.6 258 44.3 9,797
Leeds 40.9 7,598 39.7 956 31.9 476 65.8 38 35.2 369 44.0 5,344
Leicester 36.3 3,511 43.6 1,719 34.5 365 71.4 7 27.5 229 25.9 1,108
Leicestershire 43.6 6,837 61.2 547 33.3 78 66.7 12 40.8 260 42.2 5,877
Lewisham 40.7 2,104 46.4 125 34.4 902 80.0 25 42.8 297 46.5 596
Lincolnshire 43.0 7,255 81.3 80 64.5 31 68.0 25 54.3 162 42.3 6,878
Liverpool 35.9 4,461 61.7 128 36.5 181 72.7 44 41.2 228 34.2 3,748
Luton 35.9 2,567 40.9 1,177 26.6 282 62.5 8 34.4 183 32.3 863
Manchester 35.6 4,734 42.6 1,068 34.1 815 62.2 45 35.7 375 32.3 2,081
Medway 41.9 2,899 62.2 156 63.7 124 71.4 7 44.1 136 39.4 2,424
Merton 46.6 1,404 53.4 232 37.2 261 90.0 10 37.6 149 49.9 677
Middlesbrough 37.0 1,337 44.6 177 50.0 18 100.0 2 40.9 44 36.0 1,021
Milton Keynes 38.8 2,774 46.3 240 31.6 376 63.6 11 33.3 192 39.5 1,892
Newcastle upon Tyne 40.3 2,438 46.3 268 41.8 91 75.0 16 50.6 77 39.1 1,906
Newham 46.1 3,745 54.8 1,710 40.0 890 66.7 9 40.5 210 34.1 657
Norfolk 39.6 7,486 55.3 94 29.5 88 66.7 18 47.0 181 39.3 6,995
North East Lincolnshire 36.6 1,558 40.0 15 66.7 3 50.0 2 39.1 23 38.2 1,360
North Lincolnshire 40.9 1,680 35.7 70 20.0 10 33.3 3 44.0 25 40.8 1,526
North Somerset 43.8 2,085 53.1 32 66.7 15 75.0 4 53.7 54 43.1 1,970
North Tyneside 40.6 1,879 50.0 34 44.4 9 20.0 5 56.7 30 40.3 1,782
North Yorkshire 48.0 5,971 57.7 111 45.8 24 80.0 5 56.4 110 47.8 5,654
Northamptonshire 41.4 7,323 48.1 343 38.3 334 64.3 28 40.5 333 41.0 6,196
Northumberland 43.5 3,056 61.0 41 16.7 6 66.7 3 53.8 39 43.5 2,933
Nottingham 32.8 2,539 38.5 467 29.5 285 54.5 11 30.8 240 31.4 1,441
Nottinghamshire 45.6 7,494 64.8 213 41.1 90 75.0 24 44.4 277 45.2 6,792
Oldham 35.8 2,957 33.6 894 32.9 85 100.0 7 26.2 107 37.6 1,781
Oxfordshire 46.6 5,886 38.6 293 34.9 126 76.0 25 44.8 324 47.7 4,944
Peterborough 35.5 2,305 37.0 365 33.8 80 71.4 7 34.6 130 35.2 1,679
Plymouth 38.5 2,480 80.0 20 33.3 15 61.5 13 51.1 47 37.7 2,339
Poole 54.4 1,306 65.8 38 25.0 4 57.1 7 67.9 53 53.6 1,188
Portsmouth 37.1 1,686 51.0 96 37.8 45 60.0 5 37.7 61 35.5 1,437
Reading 46.5 1,076 62.6 211 33.3 87 90.0 20 44.0 91 40.6 621
Redbridge 56.7 3,508 65.4 1,858 42.2 507 87.5 24 51.1 231 47.2 797
Redcar and Cleveland 40.7 1,517 57.7 26 50.0 2 33.3 3 56.3 16 40.4 1,459
Richmond upon Thames 52.9 1,479 65.8 111 27.4 62 50.0 6 44.1 145 54.6 1,110
Rochdale 36.7 2,231 38.9 617 28.8 66 62.5 8 32.4 74 36.0 1,430
Rotherham 37.4 3,141 39.3 272 39.3 28 87.5 8 27.9 68 37.4 2,739
Rutland 57.7 459 50.0 4 25.0 4 N/A* 0 80.0 10 57.6 439
Salford 32.1 2,082 57.1 42 33.3 90 80.0 5 32.3 99 31.3 1,786
Sandwell 28.4 3,634 35.7 1,066 21.4 318 50.0 4 26.1 241 25.8 1,896
Sefton 39.4 2,855 45.5 33 50.0 14 100.0 6 36.7 60 40.0 2,662
Sheffield 40.0 4,993 37.1 550 30.0 230 78.9 19 34.0 294 42.0 3,683
Shropshire 40.6 2,850 42.9 28 62.5 8 63.6 11 37.9 58 40.3 2,695
Slough 56.7 1,679 63.5 891 48.9 139 83.3 6 60.2 133 42.9 429
Solihull 45.4 2,917 49.8 319 36.4 88 100.0 7 32.6 218 46.1 2,204
Somerset 39.3 4,606 38.1 42 40.0 10 55.6 9 39.3 84 39.3 4,421
South Gloucestershire 40.2 2,498 50.7 75 46.2 39 60.0 5 40.4 99 39.8 2,251
South Tyneside 39.3 1,462 51.7 58 42.9 7 100.0 1 36.0 25 39.5 1,324
Southampton 36.2 1,893 43.8 203 33.3 48 83.3 6 37.9 103 34.9 1,511
Southend-on-Sea 55.3 2,019 82.5 200 78.2 133 92.3 13 57.8 83 49.8 1,565
Southwark 48.2 2,386 61.6 138 44.8 1,064 80.0 30 48.5 260 49.9 645
St. Helens 38.8 1,732 50.0 14 16.7 6 100.0 3 48.3 29 39.4 1,634
Staffordshire 38.0 8,288 36.9 287 37.2 43 89.5 19 34.9 229 38.0 7,642
Stockport 45.4 2,571 55.6 151 25.9 27 68.8 16 43.5 108 45.0 2,239
Stockton-on-Tees 47.9 1,929 56.4 117 66.7 15 60.0 5 63.4 41 46.8 1,739
Stoke-on-Trent 32.5 2,168 36.6 355 39.4 66 80.0 5 27.5 80 31.4 1,636
Suffolk 41.3 6,775 59.5 116 40.0 55 83.3 6 38.8 263 41.1 6,206
Sunderland 36.6 2,608 53.1 96 35.7 14 50.0 4 33.3 33 36.1 2,446
Surrey 52.0 9,841 56.3 604 31.3 195 77.4 31 54.1 495 51.9 8,356
Sutton 63.2 2,719 85.4 636 53.1 224 95.0 40 64.3 238 54.0 1,519
Swindon 39.9 2,029 37.8 238 27.5 40 50.0 2 35.9 92 40.9 1,605
Tameside 40.4 2,512 44.0 302 31.0 42 85.7 7 35.2 88 40.3 2,053
Telford and Wrekin 39.9 1,934 47.2 127 43.1 51 63.6 11 31.3 80 39.4 1,654
Thurrock 38.7 1,634 60.6 71 51.9 162 83.3 12 45.7 70 35.5 1,271
Torbay 46.7 1,409 66.7 18 66.7 3 85.7 7 60.6 33 47.2 1,267
Tower Hamlets 44.8 2,721 49.9 1,865 41.7 302 100.0 4 25.2 111 27.8 299
Trafford 63.8 2,850 71.6 377 50.5 95 90.2 41 55.1 185 62.9 2,079
Wakefield 40.4 3,406 39.2 125 37.0 46 100.0 10 46.8 79 40.2 3,123
Walsall 36.3 3,233 47.1 716 30.6 160 75.0 4 32.8 180 33.1 2,142
Waltham Forest 42.9 2,484 50.3 743 31.5 546 92.3 13 44.7 237 42.6 840
Wandsworth 54.2 1,707 59.0 334 42.7 475 85.7 7 56.3 224 60.0 565
Warrington 46.6 2,365 58.8 51 28.6 14 70.0 10 58.8 68 46.3 2,184
Warwickshire 48.7 5,466 68.3 293 53.7 41 88.9 18 48.8 205 47.5 4,809
West Berkshire 47.4 1,741 52.1 48 51.7 29 66.7 3 42.6 68 48.0 1,562
West Sussex 43.6 7,578 57.3 330 33.0 115 50.0 22 39.5 286 43.3 6,736
Westminster 53.0 1,495 55.1 216 45.0 353 93.3 15 48.9 133 63.9 371
Wigan 38.7 3,221 48.3 29 34.4 32 75.0 8 45.5 55 38.5 3,070
Wiltshire 46.9 4,631 57.1 56 35.6 45 75.0 12 55.4 121 46.5 4,241
Windsor and Maidenhead 51.0 1,489 45.3 192 35.5 31 60.0 5 58.7 121 51.8 1,090
Wirral 45.9 3,237 74.6 59 33.3 6 68.8 16 56.5 85 45.0 3,035
Wokingham 55.2 1,636 56.2 185 40.4 57 71.4 14 46.1 89 56.3 1,253
Wolverhampton 36.4 2,612 50.7 578 27.4 266 57.1 7 28.6 269 33.9 1,454
Worcestershire 42.5 5,273 43.4 196 33.3 24 69.2 13 44.9 167 42.5 4,830
York 47.3 1,620 46.4 28 54.5 11 100.0 3 52.5 40 47.1 1,521

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Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity and area Summary

The summary below only includes figures that are based on high enough pupil numbers to make reliable generalisations.

The data shows that:

  • in 2017/18, Kingston upon Thames had the highest percentage of pupils getting a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in GCSE English and maths (64.2%)
  • Knowsley had the lowest percentage of pupils getting a strong pass in GCSE English and maths (at 21.0%)
  • Sutton (London) had the highest percentage of Asian pupils getting a strong pass (85.4%), and Blackpool had the lowest percentage (31.8%)
  • Southend-on-Sea had the highest percentage of Black pupils getting a strong pass (78.2%), and Bury had the lowest percentage (17.4%)
  • 100% of pupils from the Chinese ethnic group got a strong pass in 17 local authorities, but only one of these (Wakefield) had 10 or more pupils; North Tyneside had the lowest percentage getting a strong pass (20.0%)
  • Poole had the highest percentage of pupils with Mixed ethnicity getting a strong pass (67.9%), and Tower Hamlets had the lowest (25.2%)
  • Hammersmith and Fulham had the highest percentage of White pupils getting a strong pass (64.2%), and Knowsley had the lowest (21.6%)

5. By ethnicity and gender

Percentage of pupils getting a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths GCSE, by ethnicity and gender
Boys Girls
Ethnicity Boys % Boys Pupils Girls % Girls Pupils
All 40.0 266,906 46.7 256,720
Asian 48.1 28,532 52.5 27,205
Bangladeshi 47.6 4,620 50.6 4,764
Indian 59.6 7,452 64.6 7,123
Pakistani 38.1 11,636 42.0 11,204
Asian other 54.7 4,824 62.5 4,114
Black 34.5 14,334 42.9 14,615
Black African 40.0 9,143 48.6 9,215
Black Caribbean 22.1 3,355 31.5 3,578
Black other 29.8 1,836 36.6 1,822
Chinese 71.8 903 78.5 972
Mixed 40.7 12,447 46.7 12,199
Mixed White/Asian 52.8 2,793 56.7 2,744
Mixed White/Black African 37.6 1,474 44.7 1,462
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 27.8 3,550 35.1 3,543
Mixed other 44.4 4,630 50.6 4,450
White 39.2 202,483 46.2 194,197
White British 39.3 187,806 46.3 179,874
White Irish 54.4 832 57.2 814
Gypsy/Roma 3.1 517 7.3 590
Irish Traveller 9.1 55 10.7 56
White other 38.7 13,273 45.4 12,863
Other 40.3 4,462 47.7 4,111
Unknown 31.1 3,745 37.2 3,421

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Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity and gender Summary

The data shows that:

  • in 2017/18, 46.7% of girls and 40.0% of boys got a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in GCSE English and maths
  • in every ethnic group, girls were more likely than boys to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths
  • Chinese girls were the most likely to get a strong pass in English and maths (with 78.5% doing so)
  • White Gypsy/Roma boys were the least likely to (with 3.1% doing so)
  • the biggest gap between boys and girls was in the Other Black ethnic group, where 36.6% of girls and 29.8% of boys got a strong pass in GCSE English and maths (a gap of 6.8 percentage points)

6. By ethnicity, gender and eligibility for free school meals

Percentage of pupils getting a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths GCSE by ethnicity, gender and eligibility for free school meals
Boys: free school meals Boys: no free school meals Girls: free school meals Girls: no free school meals
Ethnicity Boys: free school meals % Boys: free school meals Pupils Boys: no free school meals % Boys: no free school meals Pupils Girls: free school meals % Girls: free school meals Pupils Girls: no free school meals % Girls: no free school meals Pupils
All 19.2 33,697 43.0 233,209 24.1 32,668 50.0 224,052
Asian 33.6 4,331 50.7 24,201 36.7 4,279 55.5 22,926
Bangladeshi 38.4 1,093 50.4 3,527 39.4 1,163 54.2 3,601
Indian 40.7 457 60.8 6,995 45.2 500 66.1 6,623
Pakistani 29.3 2,225 40.3 9,411 32.0 2,139 44.4 9,065
Asian other 35.6 556 57.2 4,268 42.8 477 65.1 3,637
Black 23.4 2,880 37.3 11,454 31.7 3,032 45.9 11,583
Black African 29.2 1,774 42.6 7,369 38.1 1,865 51.2 7,350
Black Caribbean 11.2 734 25.1 2,621 19.9 797 34.8 2,781
Black other 20.2 372 32.2 1,464 24.6 370 39.7 1,452
Chinese 59.1 44 72.4 859 73.0 63 78.9 909
Mixed 21.6 2,213 44.9 10,234 27.3 2,183 51.0 10,016
Mixed White/Asian 24.9 357 56.9 2,436 30.7 352 60.6 2,392
Mixed White/Black African 24.5 286 40.7 1,188 32.0 272 47.6 1,190
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 15.5 811 31.4 2,739 22.2 803 38.8 2,740
Mixed other 25.3 759 48.1 3,871 29.6 756 54.8 3,694
White 15.0 22,720 42.2 179,763 19.6 21,607 49.5 172,590
White British 14.4 21,285 42.4 166,521 19.1 20,172 49.8 159,702
White Irish 19.4 93 58.9 739 29.5 95 60.9 719
Gypsy/Roma 2.9 170 3.2 347 2.9 174 9.1 416
Irish Traveller 3.1 32 17.4 23 8.6 35 14.3 21
White other 27.3 1,140 39.7 12,133 31.1 1,131 46.8 11,732
Other 34.4 1,000 42.0 3,462 37.3 980 51.0 3,131
Unknown 17.7 509 33.2 3,236 18.9 524 40.5 2,897

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity, gender and eligibility for free school meals’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity, gender and eligibility for free school meals’ (CSV)

Summary of GCSE English and maths results By ethnicity, gender and eligibility for free school meals Summary

Eligibility for free school meals (FSM) is used as an indicator of deprivation by the Department for Education.

The data shows that:

  • in every ethnic group, boys and girls not eligible for FSM were more likely to get a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in GCSE English and maths than those who were eligible
  • in every ethnic group except White Gypsy/Roma, FSM-eligible girls were more likely than FSM-eligible boys to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths
  • among FSM-eligible boys and girls, pupils from the Chinese ethnic group were most likely to get a strong pass in GCSE English and maths, with 59.1% and 73.0% doing so respectively
  • White Gypsy/Roma girls and boys eligible for FSM had the lowest percentage of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in English and maths GCSE (2.9%)
  • the largest gap between FSM-eligible girls and boys, at 13.9 percentage points, was found among Chinese pupils
  • White Irish boys had the largest gap between FSM-eligible pupils and those not eligible (39.5 percentage points)
  • White Gypsy/Roma boys had the smallest gap between FSM-eligible pupils and those not eligible (0.3 percentage points)

7. By ethnicity, gender and area

Percentage of pupils getting a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and maths GCSE by ethnicity, gender and area
Asian Black Chinese Mixed White
Geography Asian All Asian Boys Asian Girls Black All Black Boys Black Girls Chinese All Chinese Boys Chinese Girls Mixed All Mixed Boys Mixed Girls White All White Boys White Girls
Barking and Dagenham 55.7 48.4 62.9 42.2 36.7 48.0 100.0 N/A* 100.0 30.7 19.3 40.0 32.7 31.7 33.7
Barnet 81.2 82.4 80.0 46.1 39.8 53.0 84.1 80.0 87.5 58.9 55.8 62.2 59.6 56.1 63.3
Barnsley 50.0 0.0 100.0 21.4 12.5 33.3 N/A* N/A* N/A* 42.9 37.5 47.4 39.2 33.9 44.6
Bath and North East Somerset 52.2 50.0 53.8 29.2 25.0 33.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 48.9 48.9 49.0 48.5 43.4 53.6
Bedford 39.0 37.1 41.3 47.3 46.9 47.6 100.0 100.0 N/A* 30.9 26.4 36.9 41.5 39.8 43.3
Bexley 70.7 70.6 70.8 61.9 53.7 69.1 78.8 66.7 88.9 44.3 40.4 48.0 45.8 44.5 47.1
Birmingham 40.5 40.5 40.6 34.5 30.4 38.8 92.9 100.0 85.0 37.5 36.4 38.6 42.4 38.5 46.5
Blackburn with Darwen 51.1 47.1 55.3 23.1 25.0 20.0 66.7 N/A* 66.7 44.4 38.1 50.0 32.6 31.1 34.3
Blackpool 31.8 16.7 50.0 20.0 33.3 0.0 66.7 50.0 100.0 39.1 27.3 50.0 26.0 23.5 28.8
Bolton 49.7 45.5 54.3 37.7 37.0 38.4 80.0 N/A* 80.0 32.1 27.8 36.4 37.2 32.4 42.3
Bournemouth 63.4 56.5 72.2 42.9 66.7 25.0 78.6 66.7 87.5 55.4 56.1 54.5 53.0 47.5 58.5
Bracknell Forest 54.2 58.1 50.0 33.3 22.2 41.7 0.0 N/A* 0.0 58.5 58.3 58.8 44.2 39.6 48.8
Bradford 37.8 35.3 40.2 30.8 31.4 30.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 27.5 29.2 25.4 35.7 31.6 40.0
Brent 55.4 53.8 57.1 40.4 36.1 44.4 100.0 100.0 N/A* 51.7 46.4 58.0 44.7 44.4 45.1
Brighton and Hove 47.4 53.6 41.4 25.9 26.9 25.0 53.8 50.0 57.1 47.1 39.2 55.3 47.2 46.2 48.3
Bristol, City of 44.4 40.6 48.4 29.6 29.4 29.7 76.9 75.0 77.8 39.9 36.6 43.2 42.3 37.5 46.7
Bromley 83.1 86.7 80.2 48.0 36.8 56.6 93.9 92.3 95.0 49.1 46.8 51.0 48.4 43.2 53.9
Buckinghamshire 64.2 65.3 63.0 58.3 57.1 59.4 83.3 85.7 81.8 59.6 66.7 52.2 59.8 57.9 61.7
Bury 38.1 39.9 36.4 17.4 20.7 11.8 62.5 75.0 50.0 30.9 28.3 34.1 40.4 39.1 41.8
Calderdale 45.6 43.0 48.4 30.8 36.4 26.7 75.0 66.7 100.0 42.5 47.5 36.4 48.8 44.6 52.9
Cambridgeshire 56.7 59.5 54.2 32.8 32.3 33.3 79.2 91.7 66.7 54.6 55.1 54.1 45.8 42.5 49.4
Camden 46.4 40.5 51.7 38.5 31.0 43.7 63.6 40.0 83.3 40.9 29.4 47.8 54.6 43.4 62.6
Central Bedfordshire 60.0 50.0 70.8 42.9 47.8 39.4 66.7 25.0 100.0 32.5 31.5 33.3 41.5 39.6 43.5
Cheshire East 55.7 51.6 60.0 41.7 16.7 66.7 87.5 100.0 75.0 41.2 32.0 54.3 47.9 45.1 50.7
Cheshire West and Chester 46.7 47.4 45.5 25.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 33.3 75.0 39.0 34.5 43.3 40.8 39.3 42.5
City of London N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A*
Cornwall 50.0 66.7 28.6 60.0 50.0 66.7 33.3 0.0 50.0 42.7 37.8 48.6 38.6 34.7 42.6
County Durham 53.1 56.5 44.4 54.5 50.0 66.7 83.3 100.0 50.0 42.9 52.4 35.7 39.3 36.0 42.7
Coventry 47.2 43.9 50.6 34.3 32.0 36.8 50.0 50.0 50.0 32.8 28.0 38.0 35.5 33.9 37.1
Croydon 53.2 49.6 56.8 37.7 37.3 38.1 92.3 100.0 85.7 41.3 38.2 44.0 44.6 41.5 47.2
Cumbria 66.7 64.3 68.8 46.7 53.8 0.0 86.7 100.0 66.7 50.8 51.9 50.0 43.2 39.5 46.9
Darlington 43.8 45.5 42.9 60.0 50.0 66.7 50.0 0.0 66.7 62.5 53.8 68.4 44.3 42.0 47.0
Derby 45.6 47.7 43.5 33.3 28.3 38.0 58.3 75.0 25.0 38.5 35.5 43.8 36.7 34.7 39.0
Derbyshire 57.1 56.1 58.6 37.0 37.5 36.4 83.3 100.0 66.7 41.5 39.5 43.5 42.6 37.7 47.6
Devon 47.8 50.0 46.7 20.0 0.0 33.3 84.6 80.0 87.5 43.1 45.8 40.0 41.1 36.8 45.8
Doncaster 40.0 37.0 43.9 29.6 21.4 38.5 40.0 0.0 66.7 45.6 39.0 55.6 37.1 32.5 42.0
Dorset 64.3 62.5 66.7 42.9 25.0 66.7 50.0 33.3 55.6 50.6 53.8 44.4 43.5 39.6 47.7
Dudley 43.4 37.2 49.4 23.2 22.9 23.5 75.0 100.0 50.0 30.9 25.0 37.6 37.1 32.6 41.7
Ealing 56.4 54.9 57.8 40.1 38.8 41.4 90.9 100.0 66.7 56.3 50.9 61.2 55.3 53.7 56.9
East Riding of Yorkshire 85.7 80.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 N/A* 66.7 66.7 N/A* 55.2 50.0 61.5 45.9 41.9 49.9
East Sussex 58.8 63.3 56.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 66.7 100.0 55.6 47.5 41.3 52.4 41.1 37.0 45.6
Enfield 64.9 59.9 70.4 36.5 33.3 39.8 82.4 62.5 100.0 45.2 39.8 51.3 38.9 35.3 42.7
Essex 68.4 69.2 67.5 51.1 41.6 59.2 80.5 70.0 90.5 43.2 44.0 42.4 39.6 36.1 43.4
Gateshead 50.0 41.9 69.2 38.1 36.4 40.0 80.0 100.0 75.0 50.0 28.6 61.5 42.5 39.7 45.4
Gloucestershire 58.0 54.6 62.0 35.2 28.6 41.7 60.0 50.0 71.4 48.1 46.0 50.0 47.2 43.2 51.3
Greenwich 46.2 47.2 45.1 39.9 33.2 46.6 62.5 50.0 83.3 40.1 34.5 46.3 37.3 37.1 37.5
Hackney 52.7 50.8 54.4 40.1 33.8 44.7 44.4 0.0 80.0 41.9 42.4 41.4 53.2 47.6 57.6
Halton 50.0 50.0 50.0 N/A* N/A* N/A* 0.0 N/A* 0.0 51.6 61.1 38.5 31.7 29.5 34.0
Hammersmith and Fulham 51.8 50.8 52.9 40.3 39.1 41.5 83.3 85.7 80.0 49.2 31.6 63.8 64.2 56.1 72.3
Hampshire 53.6 50.0 57.8 39.0 36.5 41.7 64.9 72.2 57.9 49.5 43.4 55.5 44.8 41.4 48.5
Haringey 52.5 45.3 59.0 29.2 25.4 33.3 77.8 80.0 75.0 48.2 45.0 51.3 47.7 48.1 47.3
Harrow 62.5 58.6 66.5 40.8 31.2 48.6 62.5 50.0 75.0 49.7 50.6 48.8 40.8 36.5 44.7
Hartlepool 64.0 61.5 66.7 25.0 N/A* 25.0 0.0 N/A* 0.0 47.1 44.4 50.0 37.2 31.3 43.0
Havering 56.8 58.1 55.6 46.7 42.9 50.3 85.7 100.0 80.0 47.6 54.4 39.1 42.3 40.1 44.7
Herefordshire, County of 57.1 0.0 80.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 N/A* 35.1 38.5 33.3 43.0 38.6 47.7
Hertfordshire 67.9 64.9 71.4 44.9 46.0 43.9 81.5 78.6 83.8 54.8 54.3 55.4 51.8 49.1 54.6
Hillingdon 61.4 56.8 65.8 41.2 42.4 40.0 50.0 66.7 0.0 49.0 48.9 49.1 41.1 39.0 43.4
Hounslow 59.6 55.2 63.9 43.4 42.5 44.2 100.0 N/A* 100.0 45.1 43.7 46.8 46.8 45.0 48.7
Isle of Wight 60.0 N/A* 60.0 50.0 N/A* 50.0 N/A* N/A* N/A* 46.7 37.5 57.1 33.0 32.9 33.1
Isles of Scilly N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* 100.0 100.0 N/A* 76.9 71.4 83.3
Islington 56.4 65.6 47.2 37.4 32.6 43.1 77.8 60.0 100.0 38.1 33.9 44.4 45.7 45.0 46.3
Kensington and Chelsea 61.0 77.8 47.8 41.3 47.1 33.3 100.0 N/A* 100.0 55.5 53.2 57.9 62.3 67.5 53.2
Kent 70.1 65.8 74.9 61.3 55.9 67.8 77.2 66.7 86.7 52.8 45.5 59.9 42.0 37.9 46.3
Kingston upon Hull, City of 52.9 52.6 53.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 40.0 37.0 42.9 33.6 31.4 36.2
Kingston upon Thames 77.9 75.4 80.1 43.4 40.5 46.2 91.7 100.0 88.9 59.0 48.4 68.6 60.2 56.2 63.8
Kirklees 41.3 37.0 45.5 25.0 23.8 26.3 73.3 57.1 87.5 33.1 24.8 42.1 44.5 39.4 49.6
Knowsley 25.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 N/A* 0.0 0.0 N/A* 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.6 17.1 26.1
Lambeth 61.5 63.5 57.6 35.6 30.9 39.9 68.8 87.5 50.0 41.1 37.7 45.8 42.4 36.1 49.0
Lancashire 43.8 40.0 47.6 36.6 40.9 31.6 86.1 76.9 91.3 44.6 41.5 48.0 44.3 41.1 47.6
Leeds 39.7 35.6 45.3 31.9 26.9 37.2 65.8 64.7 66.7 35.2 31.0 39.5 44.0 40.9 47.1
Leicester 43.6 40.6 47.0 34.5 25.5 43.6 71.4 100.0 50.0 27.5