Overcrowded households


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1. Main facts and figures

  • in the 3 years to March 2019, an average of around 787,000 (3%) of the estimated 23 million households in England were overcrowded (that is, they had fewer bedrooms than they needed to avoid undesirable sharing)
  • around 2% of White British households were overcrowded
  • the households with the highest rates of overcrowding were in the Bangladeshi (24%), Pakistani (18%), Black African (16%), Arab (15%) and Mixed White and Black African (14%) ethnic groups
  • White British households were less likely to be overcrowded than households from all other ethnic groups combined – this was across all socio-economic groups and age groups, most regions and income bands, and regardless of whether they owned or rented their home

2. Things you need to know

What the data measures

The data measures the number and percentage of households that are overcrowded, by ethnic group.

A household is overcrowded if it has fewer bedrooms than it needs to avoid undesirable sharing, based on the age, sex and relationship of household members. For example, one bedroom would be needed by:

  • a married or cohabiting couple
  • someone aged 21 or over
  • 2 children of the same sex aged 10 to 20 years old
  • 2 children of any sex under 10 years old

The information relates to households of either one person or a group of people sharing cooking facilities and a living room or dining area. It must be their main or only home.

Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number but have been worked out using unrounded numbers.

Not included in the data

Estimates based on fewer than 30 households have not been included. This is because it is harder to make reliable generalisations from smaller numbers of survey respondents.

The ethnic groups used in the data

For data analysed by ethnicity, the 18 standardised ethnic groups from the 2011 Census are shown.

For data analysed by ethnicity and another factor, 2 ethnic groups are shown:

  • White British
  • Other – all ethnic minority groups (including White minorities)

This is to keep group sizes big enough to be able to make reliable generalisations.

Each household’s ethnic group is the ethnicity of the ‘household reference person’ (usually the person responsible for paying the rent or mortgage). There may be people of different ethnicities in the same household.

The ethnicity was known for 99.8% of households.


Read the detailed methodology document for this data.

The data is an average for the 3 years from April 2016 to March 2019. This is to make sure there are enough households to be able to make reliable generalisations.

The figures on this page are based on survey data. Find out more about interpreting survey data, including how reliability is affected by the number of people surveyed.

In the data file

See Download the data for:

  • figures rounded to 1 decimal place
  • sample sizes
  • weighted figures for the numerator and denominator

3. By ethnicity

Percentage and number of households (in thousands) that were overcrowded, by ethnicity
Ethnicity % Overcrowded households All households
Bangladeshi 24 36 150
Chinese 4 5 124
Indian 7 36 551
Pakistani 18 65 368
Asian other 10 19 202
Black African 16 71 443
Black Caribbean 7 22 308
Black other 3 1 36
Mixed White/Asian 4 2 58
Mixed White/Black African 14 10 70
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 8 7 86
Mixed other 8 6 77
White British 2 344 18,991
White Irish 4 8 207
White Gypsy/Traveller withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable withheld because a small sample size makes it unreliable
White other 9 119 1,292
Arab 15 13 87
Any other 10 21 220

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity’ (CSV)

Summary of Overcrowded households By ethnicity Summary

The data shows that:

  • in the 3 years to March 2019, 3% of the 23 million households in England were overcrowded (that is, they had fewer bedrooms than they needed to avoid undesirable sharing)
  • the households with the highest rates of overcrowding were in the Bangladeshi (24%), Pakistani (18%), Black African (16%), Arab (15%) and Mixed White and Black African (14%) ethnic groups
  • 2% of White British households were overcrowded

4. By ethnicity and socio-economic group

Percentage and number of households (in thousands) that were overcrowded, by ethnicity and socio-economic group
All White British Other than White British
Socio-economic group All % All Overcrowded households All All households White British % White British Overcrowded households White British All households Other than White British % Other than White British Overcrowded households Other than White British All households
Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations 2 151 9,466 1 68 7,849 5 83 1,618
Intermediate occupations 3 165 4,833 2 63 4,000 12 102 833
Routine and manual occupations 5 371 7,321 3 176 5,920 14 195 1,401

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and socio-economic group’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and socio-economic group’ (CSV)

Summary of Overcrowded households By ethnicity and socio-economic group Summary

The data shows that:

  • in every socio-economic group, White British households were less likely to be overcrowded than ethnic minority households

5. By ethnicity and income

Percentage and number of households (in thousands) that were overcrowded, by ethnicity and weekly income
All White British Other than White British
Weekly income band All % All Overcrowded households All All households White British % White British Overcrowded households White British All households Other than White British % Other than White British Overcrowded households Other than White British All households
Up to £99 0 0 199 0 0 159 0 0 40
£100 to £199 1 26 1,774 1 13 1,468 4 13 307
£200 to £299 3 66 2,405 2 34 2,011 8 32 395
£300 to £399 3 73 2,462 1 27 2,038 11 46 425
£400 to £499 4 96 2,183 3 48 1,809 13 49 373
£500 to £599 5 100 2,042 3 44 1,642 14 56 400
£600 to £699 6 107 1,920 3 45 1,528 16 61 392
£700 to £799 4 60 1,598 2 25 1,321 13 35 277
£800 to £899 3 42 1,463 2 18 1,167 8 25 296
£900 to £999 4 41 1,129 2 20 930 11 22 199
£1000 and above 3 166 5,934 1 66 4,793 9 99 1,141

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and income’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and income’ (CSV)

Summary of Overcrowded households By ethnicity and income Summary

The data shows that:

  • in all but the lowest income band, White British households were less likely to be overcrowded than ethnic minority households

6. By ethnicity and area

Percentage and number of households (in thousands) that were overcrowded, by ethnicity and area
All White British Other than White British
Region All % All Overcrowded households All All households White British % White British Overcrowded households White British All households Other than White British % Other than White British Overcrowded households Other than White British All households
North East 2 19 1,167 2 17 1,097 3 2 69
North West 3 84 3,145 1 40 2,754 11 44 392
Yorkshire and the Humber 2 50 2,305 2 32 2,033 6 18 273
East Midlands 3 51 1,987 2 27 1,724 9 24 264
West Midlands 3 83 2,412 2 38 1,953 10 46 458
East 2 61 2,561 2 38 2,203 7 23 358
London 8 285 3,464 3 55 1,684 13 230 1,779
South East 3 112 3,778 2 69 3,272 9 43 506
South West 2 41 2,458 1 29 2,271 7 12 187

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and area’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and area’ (CSV)

Summary of Overcrowded households By ethnicity and area Summary

The data shows that:

  • in all regions of England except for the North East, White British households were less likely to be overcrowded than ethnic minority households

7. By ethnicity and age group

Percentage and number of households (in thousands) that were overcrowded, by ethnicity and age group
All White British Other than White British
Age group All % All Overcrowded households All All households White British % White British Overcrowded households White British All households Other than White British % Other than White British Overcrowded households Other than White British All households
16 - 24 5 39 755 4 20 547 9 19 208
25 - 34 5 180 3,310 3 71 2,334 11 109 976
35 - 44 7 268 4,015 4 112 2,786 13 156 1,229
45 - 54 4 195 4,538 2 87 3,684 13 108 854
55 - 64 2 73 3,921 1 38 3,416 7 35 505
65 or over 0 32 6,738 0 15 6,224 3 16 514

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and age group’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and age group’ (CSV)

Summary of Overcrowded households By ethnicity and age group Summary

The data shows that:

  • in every age group, White British households were less likely to be overcrowded than ethnic minority households

8. By ethnicity and type of occupancy (owning or renting)

Percentage and number of households (in thousands) affected by overcrowding, by ethnicity and type of occupancy (owning or renting)
White British Other than White British
Housing tenure White British % White British Overcrowded households White British All households Other than White British % Other than White British Overcrowded households Other than White British All households
Owner occupiers 1 96 12,971 5 91 1,769
Social rented housing 6 172 3,071 17 146 882
Private rented housing 3 76 2,949 13 206 1,635

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and type of occupancy (owning or renting)’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and type of occupancy (owning or renting)’ (CSV)

Summary of Overcrowded households By ethnicity and type of occupancy (owning or renting) Summary

The data shows that:

  • White British households were less likely to be overcrowded than ethnic minority households, regardless of whether they owned or rented their home

9. Data sources


Type of data

Survey data

Type of statistic

National Statistics


Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Publication frequency


Purpose of data source

The English Housing Survey is a continuous national survey commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. It collects information about people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of homes in England.

10. Download the data

Overcrowded households - Spreadsheet (csv) 22 KB

Measure, Time, Time_type, Ethnicity, Ethnicity_type, Geography, Tenure, Age_group, NS-SEC, Income_band, Region, Value, Numerator, Denominator, Sample_size