Adopted and looked-after children


Last updated 12 June 2023 - see all updates

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1. Main facts and figures

  • there were 80,080 looked-after children (children in care) in England on 31 March 2020, compared with 69,470 in 2015

  • the number of looked-after children who were adopted during the year went down from 5,360 in 2015 to 3,440 in 2020 – and the percentage of children that stopped being looked after because they were adopted went down from 17% to 12%

  • White children were less likely to be looked-after (74%) and more likely to be adopted (83%) compared with their share of the population of all under-18 year olds (79%)

  • Black children were more likely to be looked-after (7%) and less likely to be adopted (2%) compared with their share of the under-18 year old population (5%)

  • Asian children were less likely to be looked-after (4%) and less likely to be adopted (1%) compared with their share of the under-18 year old population (10%)

2. Things you need to know

What the data measures

The data measures the number and percentage of children who were ‘looked-after’ (sometimes called ‘in care’) or adopted, by ethnicity. A looked-after child is one who has been in the care of their local authority for more than 24 hours. They usually live:

  • with foster parents
  • in a children’s home
  • in a residential setting, like a school or secure unit

Adoption is when a court transfers responsibility for a child from those with parental responsibility (usually their birth parents or local authority) to the adopters. It is usually considered after all other options have been explored for a child.

The data is based on a snapshot taken on 31 March every year unless noted otherwise.

Population data for under-18s is taken from the 2011 Census and shown for comparison.

Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. Total numbers of children are rounded to the nearest 10.

You can read more about child adoption on GOV.UK.

Not included in the data

Adoption is not the only possible outcome for looked-after children. This data does not include figures for other outcomes or placements including special guardianship orders or returning to birth parents.

The ethnic groups used in the data

Data is shown for the 16 ethnic groups used in the [2001 Census] and 2 extra ethnic groups:

  • White Gypsy and Roma
  • White Irish Traveller

In some places, data is shown for the following 5 aggregated ethnic groups:

  • Asian
  • Black
  • Mixed
  • White
  • Other (including Chinese)

This is to make sure numbers are large enough to be reliable.


Read the detailed methodology document for the data on this page.

The data on this page does not take into account factors that might affect the likelihood of looked-after children being adopted, including:

  • the child’s characteristics, such as whether the child lives with a disability
  • how long they have been in care
  • how many people are looking to adopt children
  • where they live

3. By ethnicity (looked-after and adopted children)

Percentage and number of looked-after children, looked-after children who were adopted during the year and under-18 population, by ethnicity
Looked after children Looked after children who were adopted Under 18 population
Ethnicity Looked after children % Looked after children Number Looked after children who were adopted % Looked after children who were adopted Number Under 18 population % Under 18 population Number
White 74 59,320 83 2,850 79 8,903,313
Mixed 10 7,780 10 360 5 590,017
Asian or Asian British 4 3,480 1 40 10 1,136,293
Black or Black British 7 5,860 2 60 5 562,333
Other ethnic groups (inc. Chinese) 4 2,930 1 50 1 145,004
Unknown 1 710 2 80 N/A* N/A*

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Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity (looked-after and adopted children) Summary

Percentages of all under-18 year olds are taken from the 2011 Census.

The data shows that:

  • there were 80,080 looked-after children in England on 31 March 2020

  • Black children made up 7% of looked after children, and 2% of those adopted. This is proportionally smaller than their share of the under-18 population (5%)

  • White children make up the largest share of the under-18 population (79%), and made up for 74% of looked after children, and 83% of those adopted

  • children with Mixed ethnicity made up 10% of looked after children, and 10% of those adopted. This is proportionally larger than their share of the under-18 population (5%)

  • children from Other ethnic groups make up the smallest share of the under-18 population (1%). They made up 4% of looked after children, and 1% of those who were adopted.

  • Asian children made up 4% of looked after children, and 1% of those who were adopted. This is proportionally smaller than their share of the under-18 population (10%)

4. By ethnicity over time (looked-after children)

Percentage and number of looked-after children, by ethnicity over time
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Ethnicity 2015 % 2015 Number 2016 % 2016 Number 2017 % 2017 Number 2018 % 2018 Number 2019 % 2019 Number 2020 % 2020 Number
All 100 69,470 100 70,410 100 72,600 100 75,370 100 78,140 100 80,080
Asian 4 2,670 4 3,080 5 3,370 4 3,390 4 3,480 4 3,480
Bangladeshi 1 460 1 420 1 410 1 410 1 410 1 420
Indian ~0 290 ~0 290 ~0 280 ~0 320 ~0 310 ~0 300
Pakistani 1 870 1 860 1 890 1 940 1 1,020 1 1,020
Asian other 2 1,040 2 1,520 2 1,780 2 1,730 2 1,740 2 1,750
Black 7 4,990 7 5,250 7 5,270 7 5,420 8 5,960 7 5,860
Black Caribbean 2 1,490 2 1,390 2 1,420 2 1,350 2 1,340 2 1,370
Black African 4 2,590 4 2,950 4 2,840 4 2,980 4 3,420 4 3,260
Black other 1 910 1 910 1 1,020 1 1,090 2 1,200 2 1,230
Mixed 9 6,420 9 6,480 9 6,880 10 7,360 10 7,670 10 7,780
White/Black Caribbean 3 2,420 3 2,390 3 2,480 3 2,620 3 2,680 3 2,700
White/Black African 1 680 1 670 1 730 1 820 1 910 1 890
White/Asian 2 1,230 2 1,250 2 1,340 2 1,400 2 1,520 2 1,540
Mixed other 3 2,090 3 2,170 3 2,340 3 2,520 3 2,570 3 2,660
White 77 53,590 75 53,150 75 54,310 75 56,380 74 57,840 74 59,320
White British 73 50,410 71 49,880 70 50,920 70 52,830 69 54,130 69 55,570
White Irish ~0 280 ~0 250 ~0 220 ~0 210 ~0 200 ~0 200
Irish Traveller ~0 80 ~0 90 ~0 100 ~0 110 ~0 120 ~0 130
White other 4 2,550 4 2,640 4 2,720 4 2,840 4 2,930 4 2,930
Gypsy/Roma ~0 270 ~0 290 ~0 340 1 390 1 460 1 490
Other 2 1,580 3 2,240 3 2,500 3 2,510 4 2,790 4 2,930
Chinese ~0 60 ~0 80 ~0 80 ~0 90 ~0 100 ~0 90
Any other 2 1,520 3 2,160 3 2,420 3 2,420 3 2,690 4 2,840
Unknown ~0 220 ~0 220 ~0 280 ~0 310 1 410 1 710

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Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity over time (looked-after children) Summary

The data shows that, between 2015 and 2020:

  • the number of looked-after children went up from 69,470 to 80,080 – an increase of 15%

  • the percentage of looked-after children who were from Black, Mixed and Other ethnic groups combined went up from 19% to 21%

  • the percentage of looked-after children who were White went down from 77% to 74%

5. By ethnicity over time (number of looked-after children who were adopted)

Percentage and number of looked-after children who were adopted during the year, by ethnicity over time
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Ethnicity 2015 % 2015 Number 2016 % 2016 Number 2017 % 2017 Number 2018 % 2018 Number 2019 % 2019 Number 2020 % 2020 Number
All 100 5,360 100 4,710 100 4,370 100 3,850 100 3,590 100 3,440
Asian 2 90 2 90 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 40
Black 2 120 2 120 2 90 2 70 2 70 2 60
Mixed 11 580 11 500 11 460 10 380 11 400 10 360
White 83 4,430 83 3,890 84 3,660 84 3,230 83 2,980 83 2,850
Other including Chinese 1 50 1 40 1 40 1 50 1 40 1 50
Unknown 2 100 2 70 1 60 2 80 2 70 2 80

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity over time (number of looked-after children who were adopted)’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity over time (number of looked-after children who were adopted)’ (CSV)

Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity over time (number of looked-after children who were adopted) Summary

The data shows that, between 2015 and 2020:

  • the number of looked-after children who were adopted during the year went down by 36%, from 5,360 to 3,440

  • the number of looked-after children from White and Mixed ethnic backgrounds who were adopted during the year went down by 36% and 38%

  • the number of Black looked-after children who were adopted during the year went down by 47%

6. By ethnicity over time (children leaving care due to adoption)

Percentage of children who stopped being looked after because they were adopted, within ethnic groups over time
Ethnicity 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
% % % % % %
All 17 15 14 13 12 12
Asian 5 4 3 2 3 2
Black 4 4 3 2 2 2
Mixed 20 18 17 15 14 13
White 20 17 17 16 15 15
Other including Chinese 5 4 2 3 2 3
Unknown 24 22 19 21 21 21

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Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity over time (children leaving care due to adoption) Summary

The data shows that during the years to the snapshot date (31 March):

  • between 2015 and 2020, the percentage of children who stopped being looked after because they were adopted went down from 17% to 12%

  • in 2020, 13% of children from the Mixed ethnic group and 15% of White children stopped being looked after because they were adopted, down from 20% in 2015

  • 2% of children from each of the Black and Asian ethnic groups, and 3% of children from the Other ethnic group stopped being looked after because they were adopted

7. By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children)

Percentage of children looked-after and adopted at any point during each year, by ethnicity and gender
2018 2019 2020
Ethnicity 2018 Boys looked after 2018 Boys adopted 2018 Girls looked after 2018 Girls adopted 2019 Boys looked after 2019 Boys adopted 2019 Girls looked after 2019 Girls adopted 2020 Boys looked after 2020 Boys adopted 2020 Girls looked after 2020 Girls adopted
All 56 53 44 47 56 52 44 48 57 52 43 48
Asian 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1
Black 5 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 5 1 3 1
Mixed 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 6 5 5 4 6
Other (inc. Chinese) 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1
White 39 44 33 40 39 44 33 39 39 43 33 39
Unknown ~0 1 ~0 1 ~0 1 ~0 1 1 1 ~0 1

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children)’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children)’ (CSV)

Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children) Summary

The data shows that in the year to 31 March 2020:

  • White boys made up 43% of looked-after children who were adopted during the year, and 39% of all looked-after children

  • White girls made up 39% of looked-after children who were adopted during the year, and 33% of all looked-after children

  • Black girls made up 3% of all children who were looked after and 1% of those who were adopted during the year – Black boys made up 5% of looked-after children and 1% of those who are adopted during the year

  • Asian boys made up 3% of all children who were looked after and 1% of those who were adopted during the year – Asian girls made up 2% of all looked-after children and 1% of those who were adopted during the year

  • Girls from the Mixed ethnic group made up 4% of children who were looked after and 6% of those who were adopted during the year – boys from the Mixed ethnic group made up 5% of children who were looked after and 5% of children who were adopted during the year

8. By ethnicity and age (looked-after and adopted children)

Percentage of children looked-after and adopted at any point during the year, by ethnicity and age group
Percentage of looked after children Percentage of looked after children who were adopted
Age and Year Percentage of looked after children Under 1 Percentage of looked after children 1 to 4 Percentage of looked after children 5 to 9 Percentage of looked after children 10 to 15 Percentage of looked after children 16 and above Percentage of looked after children who were adopted Under 1 Percentage of looked after children who were adopted 1 to 4 Percentage of looked after children who were adopted 5 to 9 Percentage of looked after children who were adopted 10 to 15 Percentage of looked after children who were adopted 16 and above
Asian ~0 ~0 1 1 3 withheld to protect confidentiality 1 withheld to protect confidentiality 0 0
Black ~0 1 1 2 4 withheld to protect confidentiality 1 ~0 withheld to protect confidentiality 0
Mixed 1 2 2 3 2 ~0 8 2 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality
Other (inc. Chinese) ~0 ~0 ~0 1 3 ~0 1 ~0 0 0
Unknown ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 2 withheld to protect confidentiality 0 0
White 4 12 13 25 17 5 63 13 1 withheld to protect confidentiality

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Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity and age (looked-after and adopted children) Summary

The data shows that in the year to 31 March 2020:

  • 1 to 4 year olds made up 77% of looked-after children who were adopted, and 16% of all children who were looked-after

  • White 1 to 4 year olds made up 63% of looked-after children who were adopted, and 12% of all looked-after children

  • 1 to 4 year olds from the Mixed ethnic group made up 8% of looked-after children who were adopted, and 2% of all looked-after children

  • looked-after children from the Asian, Black and Other ethnic groups were more likely to be aged 16 and over than younger age groups

  • looked-after children from the White and Mixed ethnic groups were more likely to be aged 10 to 15

9. By ethnicity and local authority

Percentage and number of children leaving care due to adoption, by ethnicity and local authority
White Other than White
Local Authority White Number leaving care who are adopted White % leaving care who are adopted White Number leaving care Other than White Number leaving care who are adopted Other than White % leaving care who are adopted Other than White Number leaving care
Barking and Dagenham 33 10 317 9 3 278
Barnet 22 12 188 13 4 353
Barnsley 112 34 334 7 30 23
Bath and North East Somerset 31 18 173 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 42
Bedford 53 30 175 17 12 147
Bexley 22 11 197 6 3 177
Birmingham 141 18 778 109 9 1,187
Blackburn with Darwen 54 17 325 14 12 120
Blackpool 97 19 499 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 26
Bolton 98 24 414 13 11 123
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A*
Bracknell Forest 16 11 149 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 45
Bradford 65 10 623 20 5 383
Brent 11 9 120 9 2 406
Brighton and Hove 73 20 364 9 5 174
Bristol, City of 50 11 463 20 8 262
Bromley 28 12 237 12 6 205
Buckinghamshire 49 13 378 12 6 196
Bury 28 11 255 7 7 104
Calderdale 34 17 198 7 10 73
Cambridgeshire 125 21 605 12 5 241
Camden 6 8 79 10 4 228
Central Bedfordshire 43 20 212 6 5 114
Cheshire East 48 13 365 0 0 56
Cheshire West & Chester 46 11 405 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 38
City of London 0 0 withheld to protect confidentiality 0 0 52
Cornwall 78 12 642 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 49
Coventry 68 15 462 26 9 284
Croydon 29 6 460 23 3 844
Cumbria 122 21 579 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 28
Darlington 35 14 248 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 22
Derby 64 15 439 8 4 187
Derbyshire 114 15 756 9 8 115
Devon 122 15 801 6 7 91
Doncaster 93 16 580 11 15 73
Dorset N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A*
Dudley 77 19 412 19 17 113
Durham 153 15 1,015 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 57
Ealing 15 11 140 11 2 446
East Riding of Yorkshire 44 16 272 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 40
East Sussex 81 18 439 8 9 90
Enfield 19 8 250 11 3 333
Essex 199 22 922 23 5 434
Gateshead 72 17 414 0 0 59
Gloucestershire 82 12 687 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 177
Greenwich 26 9 277 18 5 358
Hackney 12 8 158 23 5 450
Halton 44 21 211 0 0 13
Hammersmith and Fulham withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 110 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 305
Hampshire 179 13 1,358 10 3 307
Haringey 17 9 194 18 4 448
Harrow 14 11 124 7 2 283
Hartlepool 31 11 271 0 0 22
Havering 22 9 236 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 160
Herefordshire 45 20 228 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 26
Hertfordshire 109 15 728 30 7 423
Hillingdon 20 10 210 13 3 416
Hounslow 21 12 170 12 5 249
Isle of Wight 32 18 177 0 0 14
Isles of Scilly 0 0 0 0 0 0
Islington 11 6 192 20 6 308
Kensington and Chelsea withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 34 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 161
Kent 240 16 1,543 23 2 1,009
Kingston Upon Hull, City of 89 14 615 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 107
Kingston upon Thames 7 8 92 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 104
Kirklees 79 19 413 17 7 244
Knowsley 27 12 232 0 0 19
Lambeth withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 94 22 4 498
Lancashire 212 12 1,771 24 9 274
Leeds 143 19 762 31 8 386
Leicester 58 14 409 26 11 245
Leicestershire 80 19 428 12 11 106
Lewisham 24 13 184 29 6 496
Lincolnshire 111 15 747 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 135
Liverpool 102 14 753 6 2 311
Luton 30 12 242 11 4 274
Manchester 97 14 679 62 8 755
Medway 75 18 414 7 9 82
Merton 15 16 93 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 145
Middlesbrough 50 12 427 8 9 88
Milton Keynes 40 14 294 7 4 163
Newcastle upon Tyne 91 15 608 12 7 164
Newham 11 7 162 12 2 524
Norfolk 172 15 1,130 12 8 157
North East Lincolnshire 46 14 320 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 31
North Lincolnshire 36 19 193 0 0 79
North Somerset 39 17 224 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 41
North Tyneside 38 9 409 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 33
North Yorkshire 61 14 423 0 0 54
Northamptonshire 133 16 852 20 6 350
Northumberland 83 18 473 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 23
Nottingham 75 20 377 32 12 277
Nottinghamshire 111 14 771 8 6 143
Oldham 72 19 384 24 11 215
Oxfordshire 73 12 591 17 6 265
Peterborough 50 15 336 6 4 150
Plymouth 79 18 434 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 53
Portsmouth 66 21 317 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 231
Reading 38 21 183 11 10 112
Redbridge 8 7 123 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 280
Redcar and Cleveland 31 12 259 0 0 32
Richmond upon Thames 7 7 99 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 97
Rochdale 77 26 291 20 13 152
Rotherham 81 14 580 7 6 108
Rutland 6 19 31 0 0 9
Salford 48 12 400 12 8 159
Sandwell 74 22 331 22 8 288
Sefton 47 12 383 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 41
Sheffield 84 16 526 37 14 271
Shropshire 18 8 236 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 43
Slough 20 14 138 22 10 225
Solihull 23 10 226 7 5 144
Somerset 93 17 541 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 63
South Gloucestershire 9 4 215 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 60
South Tyneside 45 15 293 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 36
Southampton 118 25 471 12 9 136
Southend-on-Sea 67 28 241 8 11 75
Southwark 12 8 156 19 3 552
St. Helens 55 17 333 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 20
Staffordshire 117 15 758 16 7 224
Stockport 43 11 395 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 87
Stockton-on-Tees 54 16 335 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 45
Stoke-on-Trent 74 20 364 6 7 89
Suffolk 133 18 735 13 5 250
Sunderland 114 13 903 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 53
Surrey 74 10 729 11 3 440
Sutton 27 13 213 7 6 118
Swindon 49 14 346 9 10 91
Tameside 62 13 475 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 105
Telford and Wrekin 76 30 255 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 48
Thurrock 31 11 277 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 382
Torbay 56 17 327 0 0 30
Tower Hamlets 15 13 115 18 4 406
Trafford 22 8 266 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 122
Wakefield 82 18 458 19 11 170
Walsall 64 16 393 27 15 180
Waltham Forest 8 6 139 8 3 304
Wandsworth 14 9 151 18 4 403
Warrington 57 17 340 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 51
Warwickshire 91 15 601 12 5 220
West Berkshire 16 10 155 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 58
West Sussex 103 15 692 16 6 289
Westminster withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 49 9 2 385
Wigan 73 18 398 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 65
Wiltshire 71 20 359 7 6 109
Windsor and Maidenhead 9 8 111 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 52
Wirral 83 14 579 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 52
Wokingham 9 9 105 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 42
Wolverhampton 76 29 265 31 16 190
Worcestershire 124 21 583 7 6 114
York 25 16 158 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 29

Download table data for ‘By ethnicity and local authority’ (CSV) Source data for ‘By ethnicity and local authority’ (CSV)

Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity and local authority Summary

The data shows that in the 3 years to March 2020:

  • the percentage of looked-after children who were adopted was lower for children from ethnic minorities (excluding White minorities) than for White children in every local authority for which data was available, except in Islington where it was 6% for both groups

  • Kent had the highest number of children leaving care (2,552), with 10% leaving due to adoption – 2% of children from ethnic minorities leaving care were adopted, compared with 16% of White children

  • Birmingham had the highest number of children from ethnic minorities leaving care (1,187), with 9% leaving due to adoption compared with 18% of White children who left care due to adoption

  • in 13 local authorities there were no ethnic minority children who left care through adoption (just one of a number of positive routes out of care)

10. Data sources


Type of data

Administrative data

Type of statistic

National Statistics


Department for Education

Publication frequency


Purpose of data source

This data gives information about children looked after (CLA) in England, including:

  • their characteristics
  • their placement type
  • the number of CLA starting to be looked after, and the number ceasing
  • CLA who go missing or are away from their placement without authorisation
  • health and behavioural outcomes
  • CLA who were placed for adoption, who were adopted and the average time between stages of the adoption process

11. Download the data

Adoptions data main - Spreadsheet (csv) 42 KB

This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, year, time type, geography, count, percentage

Adoptions data by Age and Gender - Spreadsheet (csv) 33 KB

This file contains the following: measure, gender, ethnicity, ethnicity type, age, year, count, percentage, geography

Adoptions by local authority - Spreadsheet (csv) 30 KB

This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, time, time type, geography code, geography, geography type, count, percentage